In Winter Quarter of 2016-17, I'll be teaching High-Level Vision: Object Representation (cross-listed as Psych 250 and CS 431), together with Kalanit Grill-Spector and Feifei Li. This will be my first class at Stanford!
As a teaching fellow during graduate school, I helped teach a variety of topics in applied mathematics. Here are some of my materials from those courses:
Biologically-Inspired Distributed and Multi-agent Systems
Computer Science 266, Harvard University Fall 2006 Fall 2007 |
Introduction to Dynamical Systems Theory for Biology
Systems Biology Department, Harvard Medical School Summer 2006 |

In the winter of 2011, I taught back-to-back MIT IAP / Harvard J-Term courses on large-scale wrangling of Government data, using modern computational and web-based tools, which showed off some of the data-munging software tools I had been developing.