Tutorial for Convex Optimization formulation for neural networksWe provide a short tutorial toward how to understand neural networks via the lens of convex optimization. The most important theoretical contribution of this line of work is that we formulate a methodlody to understand the NP-hardness of finding the global optima of the regularized training problem of two-layer ReLU fully-connected neural networks. The starting point is [1], which shows that regularized training problems of two-layer ReLU networks can be reformulated as convex programs. The convex geometry is carefully studied in [3]. We further extend the analysis for multi-layer NNs [2,4,5,7]. Based on the convex optimization formulations, [6] further gives the exact characterizations of all global optima in two-layer ReLU networks. More precisely, all globally optimal solutions of the nonconvex training problem are given by the solution set of a simple convex program up to permutation and splitting. In other words, we can find the set of optimal NNs for the regularized training problem by solving a convex optimization problem. The convex optimization formulations of NNs were also extended to NNs with batch normalization layers [8], convolutional NNs (CNNs) [2,4], polynomial activation networks [9], transformers with self-attention layers [10], Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [11], implicit regularization [13] and Wasserstein gradient flow (WGF) [14]. We emphasize that the zero duality gap and the exact convex formulations of NNs are important as follows.
Supplementary materials
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