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SHIELD -- shield menu items so they don't produce subsections

The mark-up type SHIELD is a member of the class MarkUpType. Each object of class SHIELD is also a member of class MarkUpList.

More general types (whose methods may also apply) :

  • MarkUpList -- the class of mark-up lists used with hypertext
  • BasicList -- the class of all basic lists
  • SHIELD v -- indicates that the hypertext links in the menu v will not lead immediately to subsections of the book.

    The documentation is organized as a tree, rooted at the most general type (Thing), and descending to more specific types. The branches of the tree are those menu items that are not protected by SHIELD. The book is created by searching the tree in a depth-first fashion, and printing the sections as they are encountered. Sections never encountered are assembled alphabetically into an appendix.

    Methods for using an object of class SHIELD :

  • html SHIELD
  • net SHIELD
  • text SHIELD

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