ann is a synonym for annihilator.
i1 : R = QQ[a..d]; |
i2 : J = monomialCurveIdeal(R,{1,3,4}) |
i3 : M = Ext^2(R^1/J, R) |
i4 : annihilator M |
For another example, we compute the annihilator of an element in a quotient ring
i5 : A = R/(a*b,a*c,a*d) |
i6 : ann(a) |
Macaulay 2 uses two algorithms to compute annihilators. The default version is to compute the annihilator of each generator of the module M and to intersect these two by two. Each annihilator is done using a submodule quotient.
An alternate algorithm is to do one large submodule quotient. This version is implemented in the routine annihilator'.
See also:
-- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/modules2.m2:550-555 annihilator Module := Ideal => (M) -> ( if M == 0 then ideal 1_(ring M) else ( P := presentation M; F := target P; intersect apply(numgens F, i-> ideal modulo(matrix{F_i},P))))