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Ring / Ideal -- quotient ring


  • Usage: S = R/I
  • Operator: / -- a binary operator, usually used for division
  • Input:
  • R, an instance of class Ring.
  • I, an instance of class Ideal: an ideal of R
  • Output:
  • S, an instance of class QuotientRing: the quotient ring
  • The names of the variables are assigned values in the new quotient ring by automatically running use R, unless R has a name, or one of the rings R is a quotient ring of has a name. See: use.

    Warning: quotient rings are bulky objects, because they contain a Groebner basis for their ideals, so only quotients of ZZ are remembered forever. Typically the ring created by R/I will be a brand new ring, and its elements will be incompatible with the elements of previously created quotient rings for the same ideal.

    i1 : ZZ/2 === ZZ/(4,6)

    o1 = true
    i2 : R = ZZ/101[t]

    o2 = R

    o2 : PolynomialRing
    i3 : R/t === R/t

    o3 = false


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/quotring.m2:139-145
         Ring / Ideal := QuotientRing => (R,I) -> (
              if ring I =!= R then error "expected ideal of the same ring";
              if I == 0 then return R;
              if R === ZZZ then return ZZZquotient(R,I);
              if R === ZZ then return ZZquotient(R,I);
              error "can't form quotient of this ring";

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