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sheaf(Variety,Module) -- make a coherent sheaf


  • Function: sheaf -- make a coherent sheaf
  • Input:
  • an instance of class Variety.
  • an instance of class Module.
  • Output:
  • an instance of class CoherentSheaf.
  • sheaf(X,M) -- produce the coherent sheaf on the variety X corresponding to the module M.

    If X is the affine variety Spec R, then M should be an R-module. If X is the projective variety Proj R, then M should be a homogeneous R-module.


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/varieties.m2:101-107
         sheaf(Variety,Module) :=  CoherentSheaf => (X,M) -> if M#?(sheaf,X) then M#(sheaf,X) else M#(sheaf,X) = (
              if ring M =!= ring X then error "expected module and variety to have the same ring";
              if instance(X,ProjectiveVariety) and not isHomogeneous M
              then error "expected a homogeneous module";
              new CoherentSheaf from {
                   symbol module => M,
                   symbol variety => X

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