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map(Ring,Ring) -- make a map


  • Function: map -- make a map
  • Input:
  • an instance of class Ring.
  • an instance of class Ring.
  • Output:
  • an instance of class RingMap.
  • Optional arguments :
  • map(..., Degree)
  • map(..., DegreeMap => ...)
  • Code:

         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/ringmap.m2:69-76
         map(Ring,Ring) := RingMap => options -> (S,R) -> (
              A := R; v := {}; while (
                   v = join(apply(generators A, x -> (
                                  x = toString x;
                                  if S#?x then S#x else 0_S
                                  )), v);
                   A.?ring) do A = A.ring;
              map(S,R,matrix (S,{v})))

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