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document -- install documentation

document {s, d} -- install documentation d for the topic s.

The documentation d should be hypertext. The topic s may be one of the special forms useable with TO. As a convenience, lists and sequences in d are converted to SEQ mark up items, and instances of MarkUpType, such as PARA are converted to empty instances of their type.

Special documentation entries:

  • Headline => "..." -- some text to be displayed along with menu items that lead to this node. The text should be less than a line full.
  • Usage => ... -- text to be displayed as a usage message when the user types the name of this object at top level. In its absence, the synopsis, if any, is displayed, otherwise the available methods are displayed.
  • Synopsis => { "z = f(x,y)", "x" => ..., "y" => ..., "z" => ... } -- synopsis of the use of a function with a return value.
  • Synopsis => { "f(x,y)", "x" => ..., "y" => ..., null } -- synopsis of the use of a function without a return value.
  • EXAMPLE { "...", "..." } -- bits of example code to display
  • SEEALSO { "a", "b" } -- a menu of related nodes to visit.
  • See also:

  • help functions
  • Ways to use document :

  • document List

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