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frac -- construct a fraction field

frac R -- construct the fraction field of the ring R.

If R has no name yet, then the names for its symbols will be usurped as names for the corresponding elements of R.

i1 : F = frac (ZZ/101[x,y])

o1 = F

o1 : FractionField
i2 : 1/x + 1/y + 1/2

     - 50x*y + x + y
o2 = ---------------

o2 : F

Results of division with / will be in the fraction field, and the fraction field will be created if necessary.

i3 : R = ZZ[x,y]

o3 = R

o3 : PolynomialRing
i4 : x/y

o4 = -

o4 : frac R

Class of returned value: FractionField -- the class of all fraction fieldsWays to use frac :

  • frac EngineRing
  • frac FractionField
  • frac Ring

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