CS 231N: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
CS 230: Deep Learning
CS 229A: Applied Machine Learning
CS 221: Artificial Intelligence
CS 161: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS 109: Probability for Computer Scientists
CS 107: Computer Organization and Systems
CS 529: Robotics and Autonomous Systems Seminar
STATS 315A: Modern Applied Statistics
STATS 216: Introduction to Statistical Learning
ENGR 245: The Lean Launchpad
STRAMGT 371: Strategic Management of Tech & Innovation
GSBGEN 534: Creating and Scaling High Potential Ventures
FIN 207: Corporations, Fin. & Governance in the Global Economy
FIN 205: Advanced Managerial Finance
OIT 248: Advanced Simulation and Optimization Modeling
OB 209: Leadership Laboratory