4) Brain aging and rejuvenation

1. Salih DA, Rashid AJ, Colas D, de la Torre-Ubieta L, Zhu RP, Morgan AA, Santo EE, Ucar D, Devarajan K, Cole CJ, Madison DV, Shamloo M, Butte AJ, Bonni A, Josselyn SA, Brunet A  (2012) FoxO6 regulates memory consolidation and synaptic function. Genes & Dev, 26:2780-801. Abstract PDF Supplemental PDF

2. Rafalski VA, Ho PO, Brett JO, Ucar D, Dugas JC, Pollina EA, Chow LML, Ibrahim A, Baker SJ, Barres BA, Steinman L, and Brunet A (2013) Expansion of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells upon SIRT1 inactivation in the adult brain. Nat Cell Biol, 15: 614-624. Abstract PDF

3. Webb AE, Pollina EA, Vierbuchen T, Urban N, Ucar D, Leeman D, Sewak M, Rando TA, Guillemot F, Wernig M, and Brunet A (2013) Genome-wide interaction between the pro-longevity factor FOXO3 and the neuronal determinant ASCL1 in adult neural stem/progenitor cells. Cell Rep, 4: 477-491. Abstract PDF

4. Dulken BW, Leeman DS, Boutet SC, Hebestreit K, and Brunet A (2017). Single cell transcriptomic analysis defines heterogeneity and transcriptional dynamics in the adult neural stem cell lineage. Cell Rep, 18: 777-790. AbstractPDF

5. Mahmoudi S*, Xu L*, and Brunet A (2019) Turning back time with emerging rejuvenation strategies. Nature Cell Biol, 21: 32-43. Abstract PDF