This feature (the sixth in the "Evolution of a Computer" series) provides a general overview of the Macintosh computer and its introduction. It notes the "revolutionary technology-- the 32-bit microprocessor, the mouse pointing device, and picture menus" that the Macintosh uses; the importance of independent software developers to the acceptance of any new computer; and the plan to target the computer at "knowledge workers" in the United States and abroad.
(Macintosh user)
Voice-over: Apple computer calls it Macintosh. Like the fruit, it is small, and, the company hopes, just as inviting. And, it believes Macintosh will not only leapfrog its top competitors, but will also redefine the concept of personal computing.
(Apple CEO John Scully)
John Scully: We wanted a product that was really going to change people's lives. Where the personal computer could be as important in people's lives as the telephone has been over the last century.
Voice-over: And the direction the company took to achieve that goal was to take its Lisa computer, with its revolutionary technology-- the 32-bit microprocessor, the mouse pointing device, and picture menus-- keep it easy to use, and give it a price tag under $2500.
(Lisa user interface)
Apple officials say the learning time for Macintosh will be under three hours. And according to computer experts, those ingredients could add up to a new industry standard.
Industry analyst: What they've chosen to do is take the most dangerous but potentially the most profitable route, which is to come up with a whole new revolutionary kind of technology. They're defining new standards, instead of picking an existing standard and latching on to it.
Voice-over: The success of Macintosh will rest partly on how much software is available for it. Realizing this, the company has already engaged about 100 independent developers to write applications for their new computer. By the end of this year, more than 500 programs are expected to be out.
(Industry analyst)
Industry analyst: All hardware manufactures now know that when they launch their computer, they've got to back it up with usable solutions. And the only way they get that is making sure they've-- in advance-- given top software companies hardware products to use. And by doing that, they're going to assure themselves that at launch time there will be something people can do with that computer.
(Macintosh screen with MacWrite)
Voice-over: And Apple officials say that Macintosh also opens opportunities for software developers in other companies, as Macintosh has international capabilities. But they also stress the priority lies with the "knowledge workers" and helping them to a more productive environment.