LAS VEGAS, Nevada--July 9, 1984--Apple Computer and 65 independent developers are demonstrating more than 80 software programs for Apple's Macintosh (TM) and Lisa (TM) personal computers at the National Computer Conference, which opened here today. Products currently are under development by more than 250 Macintosh developers.
In addition, Apple today introduced a color monitor for the Apple Ile and III personal computers as well as a new version of Apple Writer II word processing software for the Apple Ile and IIc.
Major products from 10 of the independent developers will be shown at regular intervals throughout the conference on a special 10-foot version of the Macintosh computer. The consistent use of the mouse and the sophisticated built-in features of Macintosh enables business professionals to use the following programs without extensive training.
Products include:
Fifty-five other independent hardware and software developers will be demonstrating their Macintosh products at stations within the Apple booth on a rotating basis throughout the show.
In addition, Apple is demonstrating five new programs for the Macintosh and Lisa: MacTerminal, a data communications software package; MacDraw, a structured graphics program for generating presentation graphics and reports; MacProject; a tool for scheduling and tracking projects; Macintosh Pascal, an interpretive, interactive programming environment for the Pascal language; and Lisa 7/7, a new, integrated software package consisting of seven business functions in one complete package. Lisa 7/7 will be available in early-August followed by MacTerminal and Macintosh Pascal in late August and MacDraw and MacProject in September.
All Macintosh software will work on a Lisa running under MacWorks, the Macintosh Operating System for the Lisa 2 family.
Also at the Apple booth, Assimilation Process is demonstrating a program, available now, that allows the user to print MacWrite and Microsoft's MultiPlan files on daisy wheel printers. Several other independent developers currently are writing application programs that enable existing Macintosh data files to be printed out on a variety of letter-quality printers. Apple is developing printer driver software, to be available in September from Apple dealers, that will enable Macintosh applications to print out on several popular daisy wheel printers.
Apple also is showing a variety of hardware and software products for the Apple II family, including an color monitor for the Apple IIe and III, a new version of Apple Writer II for the IIe and IIc, and IIc accessory products such as a flat panel display and an external floppy disk drive.
The AppleColor Monitor 100, a 12-inch RGB color monitor, provides high-quality display of both 80-column text and graphics on the Apple Ile and III. Its features include an adjustable screen tilting mechanism, an anti-reflective screen surface to reduce glare, and a switch that converts the monitor to monochrome for applications that don't require color.
The-new Apple Writer II for the IIe and IIc is a revised version of Apple Writer Ile. The product is based on the ProDOS operating system and features enhancements such as horizontal scrolling, built-in terminal mode that enables users to access information services, and the ability to see page and line count within a document before printing.