1.1 Markets
1.2 Contributions this product will make
1.3 Overall strategy
1.4 Sales goals
1.5 Major risks
1.7 General criteria
1.8 Product life
1.9 Profit goals
2.1 Price constraints
The initial end-user price, for the minimal machine, should be about $500. It is our intent to have a clear path to lowering the price to $300 after 18 months, while maintaining profit margins.
2.2 Weight and size constraints
2.3 Memory size
We may wish to fix memory size (and eliminate many possible user hardware options) so that software runs on all Macintoshes. Users should not have to know about how many bytes of memory they have. This may also allow us to produce the machine for less. A user minimum of 32K bytes is suggested. This will depend on mass storage considerations as well.
3.1 AC supply from the mains
3.2 Battery supply
3.3 Solar cells. To keep perpetual calendar independent of other power supplies?
The screen should be soft if possible. Image data compression should be considered to conserve memory.
4.1 CRTs
4.1.1 Home TV. We should have RS-170 and NTSC compatible output. It should work into any standard TV equipment, such as recorders. Both video and modulated outputs should be available. If cost constrains, the video would go.
4.1.2 Built-in display. There is the possibility of no built-in display and only a built-in printer. The hard-copy device, on the other hand, may be part of the display.
4.2 LCD display
4.3 LED display
4.4 Plasma display
4.5 Other technology (e.g. laser)
4.6 Size of screens
4.7 Color (probably only on external display)
Some form of mass stor age must be built in.
5.1 Floppies
5.2 Bubble memories
5.3 Cassettes or other tape based storage
5.4 Other technologies
6.1 Typewriter keyboard
This is probably a necessity. Atkinson points out that the halves are separable. Keyboard should be software mapped if possible (any combination should be valid).
6.2 Microphone
6.3 Audio (this and 6.2 with built-in A/D)
6.4 Photocell (perhaps in conjunction with a light pen or wand?)
6.5 Graphic input: joystick, force stick, ball, or tablet
6.6 Other transducer input: pressure, moisture, temperature etc.
7.1 RS232
7.2 Phone connector (built-in modem and DAA)
7.3 Applenet
7.4 Other
7.5 RF link
7.6 To a paging system
7.7 IEEE 488
8.1 Major design critera
8.1.3 Extraordinary testing
8.2 Initial software offering. There must be a large initial offering of software. Some examples might be
8.3 Cumulative software effort
8.4 User languages
8.4.1 BASIC
8.4.2 APL
8.4.3 Pascal
8.4.4 Other
8.5 System development languages
8.6 Application development languages
8.7 Software security
8.8 Operating system
9.1 Self-teaching, on-line manuals
9.2 Reference manuals
1 Nov 79 Preliminary design spec
1 Mar 80 Final design spec
1 Jul 80 Engineering Prototype
1 Mar 81 Prototype for shows
1 Sep 81 Production in time for Xmas 81
11.1 Personnel
11.2 Capital equipment
11.3 Supplies
12.1 In house
12.2 On a wide range of potential users
12.3 Of completed systems/programs/manuals
13.1 With competitive machines
13.2 With technologies
13.3 By programming simulations
13.4 With services
14.1 Design and materials
14.2 Thermal considerations
14.3 Choice of colors and case styles. If this is to be truly a product for the home, shouldn't we offer it in various colors? Matched to the 5 standard home appliance colors? There is also the possibility of offering options such as a wooden case.
14.4 Self-protecting case design (lid opens to become display, for example)
14.5 A handle.
14.6 If the design is modular, the parts should snap together electrically as well as mechanically.
15.1 Built-in
15.2 External
15.3 Width of paper (8.5 inch probably)
16.1 AC switched outlets (possibly computer controlled)
16.2 Speaker (with speech and/or music synthesizers?)
16.3 Credit card reader or HP card reader or both
16.4 Real time clock (essential) Perhaps based on a watch module, always runs.
16.5 Actuators (e.g. R/C servos)
16.6 TTL outputs
16.7 Soft "off" switch.
16.8 Plotter
16.9 Check reader
16.10 Video disk (needs interface standards)
One of the most powerful uses of Macintosh will become viable only if a service such as TCA is available. We will have to consider setting up a nation (world?) wide set of local numbers for a number of purposes to be covered in another document. A standard protocol will have to be promulgated. Study Viewdata, Teletext, Prestel
Items rejected from consideration as built-in may be moved here, as well as new ideas.
19.1 Purchasing
19.2 Manufacturing
19.3 Marketing
19.4 Engineering
19.5 Publications
19.6 New Product Review
19.7 Service
20.1 Atari
20.2 Texas Instrument
20.3 Commodore
20.4 Tandy
20.5 Japan
20.6 Calculators
20.7 Mattel
20.8 Typewriters
20.9 Accounting machines
20.10 Electronic games
20.11 Video games
20.12 Other
It is assumed, for the time being, that memory will be byte oriented, and that the CPU or CPUs will be 8 or 16 bits or some mix of the two.
21.1 Single or multiple CPU
21.2 Off-shelf or our own
21.3 Consider 6809