You are allowed to bring one handwritten 8.5x11-inch sheet of paper (regular printer paper)
to each exam on which you can put on both sides whatever material you wish from the
course coverage (definitions, formulas, theorems, results, etc.) as an Exam Reference Sheet
to be used during the exam.
With the exception of the Exam Reference Sheet, all exams for Math 51 are closed-book
with no calculators or other electronic aids permitted. (We keep
the numbers reasonably simple on exams, so there is no need for a calculator.)
Each midterm
counts 20% toward your final grade, and the final exam counts 30% toward your final grade.
No scaling or curving is applied to individual exam scores.
The exam dates are given below; it is your responsibility to verify right now to you can attend these exams.
If you have a course-related or competition-related schedule conflict with a midterm exam, you must
fill out the Accommodations & Flexibility Form
at least two weeks in advance of the exam
to make arrangements for an alternate (early) sitting; the same policy holds for OAE
No other schedule conflicts are accommodated for midterm exams, and alternate exam times are limited.
The date and time of the Final Exam are set by the University; all students must take the exam at this time.
If you have an academic or physical disability which requires academic accommodations, please obtain a letter from the Office of Accessible Education. Once you have done so, please
fill out the Accommodations & Flexibility Form
as soon as possible so that proper accommodations can be made. Failure to
submit your accommodation letter
more than two weeks before an exam could mean we are unable to provide your accommodations.
If an emergency occurs and you need to miss an exam, as soon as possible.
We will have assigned seating for all exams. The seating chart will be posted at the exam room on the evening of the
exam; you are responsible for arriving a few minutes early to find your seat before the exam starts. Failure to sit
in your assigned seat will be considered a breach of the Honor Code and
be handled accordingly.
There is a regrade process after each exam to address possible grading issues on individual problems. You must submit your request in writing, clearly explaining why the particular problem merited more points, and email it into your TA no more than 7 days after the official exam date. (Once submitted, any part of the exam may be regraded, and your score could change up or down.) The submission
deadlines are firm, and no exceptions will be made, so please go over your exam, alongside the posted solutions in a
timely manner.