Supplemental Reading for Lecture 2
Uplink-downlink duality via minimax duality
. Wei Yu; Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 52, Issue 2, Feb. 2006, Page(s): 361 - 374
Capacity limits of MIMO channels
Goldsmith, A.; Jafar, S.A.; Jindal, N.; Vishwanath, S.; Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on; Volume 21, Issue 5, June 2003 Page(s):684 - 702
The Capacity Region of the Gaussian Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Channel
. Weingarten, H.; Steinberg, Y.; Shamai, S.; Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on; On page(s): 3936-3964, Volume: 52, Issue: 9, Sept. 2006