Background materials
CS224u has CS224n as a official prerequisite. We are assuming that you are familiar with core concepts in NLP and machine learning. The following materials may be useful to you if you need a refresher.
Basic tools
- Notebook: Jupyter notebook tutorial
- Notebook: NumPy tutorial
- Notebook: PyTorch tutorial
- Notebook: Using and extending the course PyTorch models
Static vector representations
- Video: High-level goals and guiding hypotheses [ ]
- Video: Matrix designs [ ]
- Video: Vector comparison [ ]
- Video: Basic reweighting [ ]
- Notebook: Designs, distances, basic reweighting
- Video: Dimensionality reduction [ ]
- Notebook: Dimensionality reduction and representation learning
- Notebook: Retrofitting
- Video: Static representations from contextual models [ ]
- Notebook: Static representations from contextual models
Supervised learning
- Tutorial videos on supervised learning
- Stanford AI Lab Deep Learning Tutorial
- Video: Overview of supervised sentiment analysis [ ]
- Video: General practical tips [ ]
- Video: Stanford Sentiment Treebank [ ]
- Notebook: Overview of the Stanford Sentiment Treebank
- Video: DynaSent [ ]
- Video: [ ]
- Video: Hyperparameter search and classifier comparison [ ]
- Video: Feature representation [ ]
- Notebook: Hand-built feature functions
- Video: RNN classifiers [ ]
- Notebook: Dense feature representations and neural networks
- Video: Practical fine-tuning [ ]
- Notebook: Fine-tuning large language models