NOTE: This web site is
out of date.
This is the course web site from a past quarter,
Winter 2019.
If you are a current student taking the course, this is not your class web site, and you should visit the current class web site instead at
If you are already at, the web page may not be updated yet for the new quarter.
Please be advised that courses change with each new quarter and instructor.
Any information on this out-of-date page may not apply to you this quarter.
Our sections are at the following days and times each week:
- Tuesdays 6:30 - 7:20pm, Econ 140
- Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:20pm, STLC 115
(Week Tue - Week Wed):

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Week 1 ( - ): No section
We will not hold section during the first week of the quarter.
Sections begin during Week 2.
Our sections are 50-minute discussions led by teaching assistants each week in which the students work on their laptops to solve problems.
Thanks to our TAs Gracie Young and Shreya Shankar for creating and editing these section handouts.
This document and its content are copyright © Marty Stepp, 2017.
All rights reserved.
Any redistribution, reproduction, transmission, or storage of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited without the authors' expressed written permission.