The CS106B textbook is Roberts, Eric S. Programming Abstractions in C++ , ISBN 978-0133454840.
The book was written by Stanford CS professor Eric Roberts and targeted directly for this course. Readings from the textbook are suggested to accompany lecture.
Section problems and programming homework will not be assigned directly out of the textbook and it possible to succeed in the course without it. However, we think you will appreciate it as a supplement to the presentation of the material in lecture and section. It also contains a wealth of practice problems for self-study.
The book is stocked by the Stanford Bookstore or can be ordered online from various retailers. There are copies on reserve in the engineering library.
Before the textbook was formally published, a "course reader" version was distributed as a PDF and is available below. The beta version PDF is missing some of the content and polish of the final textbook, but might be sufficient for your needs.