- Hoyer, J., Becker, E.S., and Roth, W. T.
Characteristics of worry in GAD Patients,
social Phobics, and controls. Submitted
for publication.
- Wilhelm, F.H., Grossman, P, Gerlach, A.L,
and Roth, W.T. Improving the clinical
sensitivity of noninvasive assessment of
cardiac vagal control. Submitted for
- Neuner, F., Schauer, M, Elbert, T., Roth
W.T. Testimony Therapy as an Acute
Intervention in a Macedonian Refugee
Camp: Two Case Reports. Submitted for
- Wilhelm, F.H., Gerlach, A.L, and Roth,
W.T. Slow recovery to voluntary
hyperventilation in panic disorder.
Submitted for publication.
- Becker, E.S., Rinck, M., Margraf, J., and
Roth, W.T. Selective attention in anxiety
disorders: distraction or enhancement?
Submitted for publication.
- Gruber, K, Moran, P.J., Taylor, C.B., and
Roth, W.T. Computer-assisted
cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT)
for Social Phobia. A comparison of
standard CBGT to a short version using a
pocket computer. Submitted for
- Baving, L., Rockstroh, B., Rössner, P.,
Cohen, R., Elbert, T., and Roth, W.T.
Event-related potential correlates of
acquisition and retrieval of verbal
associations in schizophrenics and
controls. Journal of Psychophysiology,14:
87-96, 2000.
- Wilhelm, F.H., Trabert, W, Roth, W.T.
Characteristics of sighing in panic
disorder. Biological Psychiatry, in
- Wilhelm, F.H., Trabert, W, Roth, W.T.
Physiological instability in panic and
generalized anxiety disorder. Biological
Psychiatry, in press.
- Becker, E.S., Rinck, M., Margraf, J., and
Roth, W.T. The emotional Stroop effect in
anxiety disorders: Emotionality or
Specificity? Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, in press.
- Orr, S.P., and Roth, W.T.
Psychophysiological Assessment: Clinical
Applications for PTSD. Journal of
Affective Disorders, in press.
- Elbert, T. Junghöfer, M., Rockstroh, B.,
and Roth, W.T. Psychophysiologische
Grundlagen und Meßmethoden der
Hirnaktivität. In Enzyklopädie der
Psychologie, Biologische Psychologie
Series, vol. 6, F. Rösler, (ed).,
Grundlagen und Methoden der
Psychophysiologie, Göttingen: Hogrefe,
in press.
- P.M. Insel, W.T. Roth, L. M. Rollins, and
R. A. Petersen, Health in a Changing
Society, Brief, Palo Alto: Mayfield
Publishing Company. 7th edition, 1996,
8th edition, 1998. "2000
Update" of the 8th edition, 2000.
- Ford, J.M., Roth, W.T., Pfefferbaum, A.,
and Menon, V. Failures of automatic and
strategic processing in schizophrenia:
comparisons of event-related brain
potentials and startle blink
modification. Schizophrenia Research,
37:149-63 1999.
- Ford, J.M., and Roth, W.T., Event-related
potential components and startle. Chapter
14 in M.E. Dawson, A.M. Schell, and A.H.
Böhmelt (eds.), Startle Modification:
Implications for Neuroscience, Cognitive
Science, and Clinical Science, Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, pp.
284-299, 1999.
- Becker, E.S., Roth, W.T., Andrich, M.,
and Margraf, J. Explicit memory in
anxiety disorders. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, 108:153-63, 1999.
- T.D. Fahey, P.M. Insel, and W. T. Roth,
Fit and Well: Core Concepts and Labs in
Physical Fitness and Wellness, Alto:
Mayfield Publishing Company. 1st Edition,
1994, 2nd edition, 1997, 3rd edition,
1999, Alternate 3rd edition, 1999, Custom
Fitness edition, 1999.
- T.D. Fahey, P.M. Insel, and W. T. Roth,
En Forme et en Santé, Québec: Modulo Éditeur,
1999. French edition of Fit and Well.
- Roth, W.T., Wilhelm, F. H., and Trabert,
W. Voluntary breath holding in panic and
generalized anxiety disorders.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 60:671-9, 1998.
- Breivik, G., Roth, W.T., and Jørgensen,
P. E. Personality, psychological states
and heart rate in novice and expert
parachutists. Personality and Individual
Differences, 25: 365-380, 1998.
- Roth, W.T., Wilhelm, F.H., Trabert W.
Autonomic instability during relaxation
in panic disorder. Psychiatry Research,
80: 155-164, 1998.
- Wilhelm, F. H., and Roth, W.T. Using
minute ventilation for ambulatory
estimation of additional heart rate.
Biological Psychology, 49: 137-150, 1998.
- Wilhelm, F. H., and Roth, W.T. Trusting
computerized data reduction too much: A
critique of Anderson's ambulatory
respiratory monitor. Biological
Psychology, 49: 215-219, 1998.
- Wilhelm, F. H., and Roth, W.T. Taking the
laboratory to the skies: Ambulatory
assessment of self-report, autonomic, and
respiratory response in phobic anxiety.
Psychophysiology, 35: 596-606, 1998.
- Becker, E.S., Rinck, M., Roth, W.T.,
Margraf, J. Don't think of white bears
and don't worry: Thought suppression in
anxiety patients. Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, 12:39-55, 1998.
- Trabert, W., Becker, E.S., Roth, W.T.
& Taylor, C.B. (1997). Ambulantes
"Monitoring" von Sorgen
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generalisierter Angststörung. In: CH.
Mundt, M. Linden, W. Barnett (Hrsg.).
Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. (S.
179-184). Springer: Wien, New York.
- Hofmann, S.G., Gerlach, A.L., Wender, A.,
and Roth, W.T. Speech Disturbances and
gaze behavior during public speaking in
subtypes of social phobia. Journal of
Anxiety Disorders, 11:573-585, 1997.
- Safer, D.L., Wenegrat, B,. and Roth,
W.T.. Risperidone in the treatment of
delusional parasitosis: A case report.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology,
17:131-132, 1997.
- a. Wilhelm, F. H., and Roth, W.T. Acute
and delayed effects of alprazolam on
flight phobics during exposure. Behaviour
Research and Therapy, 35:831-841, 1997.
b. Translated and republished as Wilhelm,
F. H., und Roth, W.T. Akute und verzögerte
Effekte von Alpralolam auf Flugphobiker während
Exposition in vivo. Verhaltenstherapie,
8:38-47, 1998.
- Wilhelm, F.H., and Roth, W.T. Clinical
characteristics of flight phobia. Journal
of Anxiety Disorders, 11:241-261, 1997.
- Roth, W.T. Panic disorder: An update.
Federal Practitioner, 14-1:12-26, Jan.
- Ford, J.M., Roth, W.T., Isaacks, B. G.,
Tinklenberg, J., Yesavage, J, and
Pfefferbaum, A. Automatic and effortful
processing in aging and dementia:
Event-related brain potentials.
Neurobiology of Aging, 18:169-180, 1997.
- Roth, W.T. (ed.) Treating Anxiety
Disorders. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San
Francisco, 1997.
- Ford, J.M., Woodward, S.H., Isaacks,
B.G., Tinklenberg, J., Yesavage, J., and
Roth, W.T. N400 evidence of abnormal
responses to speech in Alzheimers's
disease. Electroenceph. clin.
Neurophysiol., 99:235-246, 1996.
- Wilhelm, F. and Roth, W.T., Ambulatory
Assessment of Clincal Anxiety. Chapter 19
in J. Fahrenberg and M. Myrtek (eds.),
Ambulatory Assessment. Computer-assisted
Psychological and Psychophysiological
Methods in Monitoring and Field Studies,
Göttingen: Hogrefe, 1996, pp. 317-345.
- Hofmann, S.G., and Roth, W.T. Issues
related to social anxiety among controls
in social phobia research. Behavior
Therapy, 27, 79-91, 1996.
- Roth, W.T., Breivik, G., Jørgensen,
P.E., and Hofmann, S. Activation in
novice and expert parachutists while
jumping. Psychophysiology, 33, 63-72,
- Hofmann, S.G., Newman, M.G., Taylor,
C.B., Roth, W.T. Social phobia with and
without avoidant personality disorders:
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Disorders,9:427-438, 1995.
- Pfefferbaum, A., Roth, W. T., and Ford,
J. M. Event-related potentials in the
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commentary. Archives of General
Psychiatry, 52, 559-563, 1995.
- Roth, W.T. Who's listening to Prozac?
Healthline, 14:5, 6-7, 1995.
- Hofmann, S.G., Ehlers, A., Roth, W.T.
Conditioning theory. A model for the
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Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33,
567-571, 1995.
- Ford, J.M., Isaacks, B.G., White, P.M.,
and Roth, W.T. Elderly men and women are
less responsive to startling noises: N1,
P3, and blink evidence. Biological
Psychology, 39, 57-80, 1995.
- Hofmann, S.G., Newman, M.G., Ehlers, A.,
and Roth, W.T. Psychophysiological
differences between subgroups of social
phobia. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology,104, 224-231, 1995.
- Roth, W.T., Ford, J.M., Pfefferbaum, A.
and Elbert, T.R. Methodological issues in
event-related potential and magnetic
field studies. Chapter 78 in
Psychopharmacology: The Fourth Generation
of Progress, F.E. Bloom and D.J. Kupfer
(Eds.), pp. 895-910. New York, NY: Raven
Press, 1995.