Some Pictures - Enjoy!
A B-17 Flight (images from a 2009 flight on a B-17).
Chile (images from a 2009 trip to Chile).
Seoul + Mt Fuji (images from a 2003 trip to Asia).
New Zealand (images from a 2003 trip to New Zealand).
sabbatical.thrun.org (images from my sabbatical).
lyon.thrun.org (29 images from a recent trip to Lyon)
peru.thrun.org (185 images from a recent trip to Peru)
mexico.thrun.org (82 images from a recent trip to Mexico)
brazil.thrun.org (97 images from a recent trip to Brazil)
israel.thrun.org (40 images from a recent trip to Israel)
paris.thrun.org (15 images from a recent trip to Paris)