About TSR

The Senior Reflection is a three-quarter series of courses in the Biology Department that culminates in the execution, completion and exhibition of a creative project. BIO 196 meets in a small workshop format for 2 hours each week. During the fall quarter (196A), students brainstorm, explore various media, and develop a proposal for a specific project. They also identify appropriate mentors, from Stanford faculty and the immediate community, to support their projects’ scientific and creative components. In winter quarter (196B), students focus on the execution of their creative projects. In the spring quarter (196C), projects are completed, polished and prepared for public exhibition.

TSR is led by Andrew Todhunter and Susan McConnell. Andrew is the author of three books including A Meal Observed, which won the PEN USA Literary Award for creative nonfiction. His story on blue holes in the Bahamas was a National Geographic cover story in August 2010. Sue is a developmental neurobiologist and wildlife photographer. Her photos of elephants in Namibia were featured in Smithsonian magazine in November 2010. Sue is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.