MM207: Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
David Relman, Stanley Falkow
Wed 2:30-4:30 PM, Fairchild D-300
Suggested text: Medical Microbiology, Mims CA et al-Mosby, 1993.
Optional, additional text: Bacterial Pathogenesis, Salyers & Whitt-ASM, 1994
David Relman--852-3308 office, VA-Foothill 202, <relman@cmgm>
Stanley Falkow--725-4754 office, Fairchild D-039, <hf.fal@forsythe>
Anthea Lee (TA)--723-2671 lab, Fairchild D-037, <aklee@leland>
April 2-No class
April 9-What is a Pathogen?; Host-Pathogen Relationships. [Stanley Falkow]
Suggested reading
Mims 1.1-5; 2.1-10;
Falkow S. The "zen" of
bacterial pathogenicity. In: The Bacteria,
Vol. XI. Academic Press, 1990; 3-9.
April 16-Clinical-Pathologic Correlates in Infectious Diseases; Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. [David Relman, Stanley Falkow]
Suggested reading
Mims 16.1-14; 35.1-34
April 23-Whooping Cough: Regulation of Virulence, Microbial Adherence.
[David Relman]
Suggested reading
Mims 22.1-2; Salyers
Hultgren SJ, Abraham S,
Caparon M, Falk P, St. Geme JW, Normark S.
Pilus and nonpilus bacterial adhesins: assembly and function in cell
recognition. Cell 1993; 73:887-901.
April 30-Diphtheria, Cholera, and Toxic Shock Syndrome: Extracellular Elements, Toxins, Immune System Subversion. [Stanley Falkow, David Relman]
Suggested reading
Mims 10.2-3; 15.1-12;
Salyers 113-129
Waldor MK, Mekalanos JJ.
Lysogenic conversion by a filamentous phage
encoding cholera toxin. Science 1996; 272:1910-1914.
Marrack P, Kappler J.
Subversion of the immune system by pathogens.
Cell 1994; 76:323-332.
May 7-Mycobacterial and Fungal Diseases: Chronic and Persistent Infections.
[Lalita Ramakrishnan]
Suggested reading
Mims 28.9-12
May 14-Rickettsial, Lyme Disease, & other Zoonoses: Vectors and Reservoirs.
[David Relman]
Suggested reading
Mims 30.1-16
May 21-Salmonella and Listeria: Entry, Survival and Replication within Host Cells. [Stanley Falkow]
Suggested reading
Mims 25.5-6; Salyers
Garcia-del Portillo F, Finlay
BB. The varied lifestyles of
intracellular pathogens within eukaryotic vacuolar compartments. Trends
Microbiol 1995 3:373-80.
May 28-Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: Traditional and Molecular; Proof of Disease Causation. [David Fredricks]
Suggested reading
Mims 10.6-7; 18.1-15;
Salyers 31-32
Fredricks DN, Relman DA.
Sequence-based identification of microbial
pathogens: A reconsideration of Koch's postulates. Clin Microbiol Rev
1996; 9:18-33.
June 1-5 Dead week
June 6 Hand out final exam (essay)
June 11 Final exam due
Last modified: March 29, 1997