Robert Siegel
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New York 2009
From the Empire State Building
Manhattan's view of a bird's eye
In the shadow of the empire
Dubai's eye view of Manhattan
The streets of Manhattan
Tina Fey's eye view of Manhattan
Your move
The Cloisters
Cloistered sculpture
The unicorn imperiled
Columbian Thinker
Brooklyn Bridge
Making a mesh of things
High times in New York
New York August 10-14, 2009
Trip highlights:
August 10, 2009
Arrive La Guardia late at night - walk around Columbia with Kyler
August 11, 2009
Bagels with Kyler
Empire State Building with Kyler
Dinner - Thai with Jeremy Moss, Karyn Goodman, Kyler, and Simon
August 12, 2009
Lunch at Brooklyn Diner wtih Kyler
Long walk in Central Park with Kyler
Dinner at La Rivage
with Shirley and Bob Max and Kyler
In the Heights with Shirley and Bob Max and Kyler
August 13, 2009
Ran into Josh Friedman waiting for the subway - total coincidence - ride down
town together
Subways guys handed me a large laminated map of the subway system which they
were replacing
Meet up with Wendy Miller
NYU Bookstore
Washington Park
Lunch in Chinatown
Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge with Kyler
Dinner in Little Italy
August 14, 2009
Meet up with Ben Picozzi
Columbia revisited
Related pages
New York 2017-2018
New York 2013
New York 2009
Old York 2007
Alison and Arjun
Florida 2009
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Last modified: December 25, 2020
Created: August 21, 2009
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.