Invited talks
This page lists past and upcoming invited talks at conferences and workshops. Departmental seminars are excluded.
Learning in Systems with Humans-in-the-Loop.
Army Research Lab (ARL) Workshop on Holistic Scene Understanding.
Invited presentation.
Online Labor Markets.
Second Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG).
Bandit Learning with Positive Externalities.
Fourth Information Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems (IMACCS) Workshop.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Jose Blanchet and Virag Shah.
Bandit Learning with Positive Externalities.
Cornell Tech Symposium: Data, Modeling and Optimization.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Jose Blanchet and Virag Shah.
Cloud competition.
NSF Workshop on Cloud Economics.
Invited panel with A. Chien and D. Wentzlaff.
Bandit Learning with Positive Externalities.
Societal Networks, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.
Invited presentation.
Measuring Match Outcomes in Online Platforms: The Design of Rating Systems.
Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA).
Matching While Learning.
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Vijay Kamble and Yash Kanoria.
Dynamic pricing in ride-sharing platforms.
Workshop on Mean Field Games, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM).
Invited presentation. Joint work with Siddhartha Banerjee and Carlos Riquelme.
Rating Systems in Online Marketplaces.
Industrial Mathematics Workshop and Clinic: Collaboratively Tackling Emerging Problems in Industry, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA).
Plenary. Joint work with Nikhil Garg.
Reputation systems for online platforms.
INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Nikhil Garg.
Always Valid Inference: Continuous Monitoring of A/B Tests.
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Workshop on Economic Experiments in the Tech Industry.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
Always valid inference: Continuous monitoring of A/B tests.
Workshop on Optimization and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
“Peeking” at A/B tests: Why it matters, and what to do about it.
Andreessen-Horowitz Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
Mean field models for economic applications.
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Invited tutorial (Applied probability cluster).
Dynamic pricing in ridesharing services.
IEEE INFOCOM Smart Data Pricing Workshop, San Francisco, California.
Keynote. Joint work with Siddhartha Banerjee and Carlos Riquelme.
The engineer as economist: Algorithms and incentives in the design of online platform markets.
Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dynamic pricing in ridesharing platforms.
Workshop on Analysis and Control of Network Dynamics, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Siddhartha Banerjee and Carlos Riquelme.
Dynamic pricing in ridesharing platforms.
Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory and Practice, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Siddhartha Banerjee and Carlos Riquelme.
Dynamic pricing in ridesharing platforms.
IPAM Graduate Summer School: Games and Contracts for Cyber-Physical Security, Los Angeles, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Siddhartha Banerjee and Carlos Riquelme.
Mean field models of dynamic games and dynamic markets.
IPAM Graduate Summer School: Games and Contracts for Cyber-Physical Security, Los Angeles, California.
Invited lectures.
Can I take a peek? Continuous monitoring of A/B tests.
Workshop on Online and Offline Evaluation of Web-Based Services, Florence, Italy.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
Can I take a peek? Continuous monitoring of A/B tests.
Bay Area Optimization Day, Berkeley, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
Can I take a peek? Continuous monitoring of A/B tests.
Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA), San Diego, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
Can I take a peek? Continuous monitoring of A/B tests.
MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Student Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Plenary. Joint work with Leo Pekelis and David Walsh.
Managing congestion in dynamic matching markets.
SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering, Chicago, Illinois.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Nick Arnosti and Yash Kanoria.
Managing congestion in dynamic matching markets.
Allerton Conference for Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Nick Arnosti and Yash Kanoria.
Managing congestion in dynamic matching markets.
Midway Market Design Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Plenary. Joint work with Nick Arnosti and Yash Kanoria.
Managing congestion in dynamic matching markets.
Mostly OM: Workshop on Advanced Topics in Operations Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Plenary. Joint work with Nick Arnosti and Yash Kanoria.
Competition and cooperation among wind farms.
Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA), San Diego, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Baosen Zhang and Ram Rajagopal.
Mean field equilibria of dynamic markets: A survey (I & II).
Lunteren conference, Lunteren, The Netherlands.
Plenary lectures.
The engineer as economist: The design of online market platforms.
Dagstuhl Seminar on the Interface of Computation, Game Theory, and Economics, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany.
Invited presentation.
Pricing a bestseller: Sales and visibility in the marketplace for mobile apps.
W-PIN+NetEcon Workshop, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Plenary. Joint work with Bar Ifrach.
Mean field equilibria of multiarmed bandit games.
Stochastic Networks Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Ramki Gummadi and Jia Yuan Yu.
Mean field equilibria of dynamic auctions.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Valencia, Spain.
Invited tutorial.
Mean field equilibria of multiarmed bandit games.
Allerton Conference on Communication, Computing, and Control, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Ramki Gummadi and Jia Yuan Yu.
Information and the value of execution guarantees.
NSF/NBER Decentralization Conference, Caltech, Pasadena, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Krishnamurthy Iyer and Ciamac C. Moallemi.
Mean field equilibria of dynamic auctions with learning.
American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Krishnamurthy Iyer and Mukund Sundararajan.
Mean field equilibria in dynamic games: An introduction.
Winedale Workshop (organized by UT Austin, Texas A&M, and Rice), Winedale, Texas.
Invited tutorial.
Mean field equilibria of dynamic auctions with learning: A dynamic revenue equivalence theorem.
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Krishnamurthy Iyer and Mukund Sundararajan.
Equilibria of dynamic games with many players: Existence, approximation, and market structure.
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Annual Meeting (SAET), Almancil, Portugal.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Sachin Adlakha and Gabriel Weintraub.
Economics and pricing of mobile data services.
23rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), San Francisco, California.
Plenary panel, with Iraj Saniee, Mark Bass, Mung Chiang, and Roger Neal.
Spectrum markets: Challenges ahead.
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.
Invited panel, with Bruce Hajek, Scott Jordan, and Sachin Katti.
Equilibrium analysis for large scale stochastic games.
Oberwolfach Conference on Mathematical Challenges in Stochastic Networks, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany.
Invited presentation.
Mean field equilibria of large scale stochastic games.
Southern California Symposium on Network Economics and Game Theory, Los Angeles, California.
Mean field equilibrium in dynamic games with complementarities.
Allerton Conference for Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Sachin Adlakha.
Economic perspectives on congestion exposure in networks.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 78, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Plenary presentation and panel, with Frank Kelly, Bob Briscoe, and Hal Varian.
Mean field equilibrium: An approximate approach to analyzing large dynamic games.
NSF Self Optimizing Systems Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Invited presentation.
Asymptotic analysis of large scale supermodular stochastic games.
Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA), San Diego, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Sachin Adlakha.
Comparing multilateral and bilateral models for content distribution.
IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) on Networking and Information Theory, Volos, Greece.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Christina Aperjis and Michael J. Freedman.
The role of prices in peer assisted content distribution.
Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA), San Diego, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Christina Aperjis and Michael J. Freedman.
A comparison of bilateral and multilateral models for content exchange.
International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Chicago, Illinois.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Christina Aperjis and Michael J. Freedman.
Positive and negative externalities: How big is too big?
Google Faculty UNConference, Mountain View, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Sunil Kumar.
Positive externalities and negative externalities in services.
GAMES: The Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Evanston, Illinois.
Semi-plenary. Joint work with Sunil Kumar.
The role of prices in peer-assisted content distribution.
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) Workshop “Beyond Internet MRA: Networks of Networks”, University of California at Los Angeles.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Christina Aperjis and Michael J. Freedman.
Local dynamics in network formation games.
Allerton Conference for Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited paper and presentation. Joint work with Esteban Arcaute and Shie Mannor.
Revenue management for content delivery.
Allerton Conference for Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited paper and presentation. Joint work with Srinivas Shakkottai.
Bonobos vs. chimps: Cooperative and non-cooperative behavior in wireless networks.
MobiHoc/MobiCom 2007, Montréal, Québec.
Plenary panel, with Jean-Pierre Hubaux, P.R. Kumar, Joseph Mitola, and Heather Zheng.
Positive externalities, negative externalities, and optimal scale.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Social Systems and the Internet, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Sunil Kumar.
Interdomain routing: Algorithmic objectives and economic constraints.
Bay Area Theory Symposium, San Jose, CA.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Hari Balakrishnan and Nick Feamster.
Positive externalities and optimal scale.
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, IL.
Invited paper and presentation. Joint work with Sunil Kumar.
Myopic dynamics for a network formation game with routing.
Workshop on Network Design: Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory, Montréal, Québec.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Esteban Arcaute, Eric Dallal, and Shie Mannor.
Interdomain routing: Autonomy vs. expressiveness.
Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory (AGATE), Bertinoro, Italy.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Hari Balakrishnan and Nick Feamster.
Interdomain routing: An impossibility theorem.
Bay Area Day on Signals, Information, and Control, Berkeley, CA.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Hari Balakrishnan and Nick Feamster.
Communication requirements of VCG-like mechanisms in convex environments.
Bay Algorithmic Game Theory Symposium, Mountain View, CA.
Invited presentation. Joint work with John N. Tsitsiklis.
Implications of autonomy for the expressiveness of policy routing.
IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW), Huntington Beach, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Hari Balakrishnan and Nick Feamster.
Communication requirements of VCG-like mechanisms in convex environments.
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton Park, Illinois.
Invited paper and presentation. Joint work with John N. Tsitsiklis.
A game theoretic view of efficiency loss in resource allocation.
International Conference on Complementarity Problems, Stanford, California.
Invited presentation. Joint work with John N. Tsitsiklis.
A contract-based model for directed network formation.
Workshop on Game Theory and Computer Science, Stony Brook, New York.
Invited presentation. Joint work with Shie Mannor and John N. Tsitsiklis.
A game theoretic view of efficiency loss in network resource allocation.
Workshop on Economics of Communication Networks, in Workshop on Stochastic Networks, Montréal, Québec.
Invited presentation. Joint work with John N. Tsitsiklis.
Game theoretic methods for networking: A tutorial.
Workshop on the Practice and Theory of Incentives in Networked Systems, ACM SIGCOMM, Portland, Oregon.
Invited tutorial.