Ramesh Johari is a Professor at Stanford University, with a full-time appointment in the Department of Management Science and Engineering (MS&E), and a courtesy appointment in the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE). He is an associate director of Stanford Data Science. He is a member of the Operations Research group and the Social Algorithms Lab (SOAL) in MS&E, the Information Systems Laboratory in EE, and the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering. He received an A.B. in Mathematics from Harvard, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics from Cambridge, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.
He is the recipient of a British Marshall Scholarship, First Place in the INFORMS George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition, the George M. Sprowls Award for the best doctoral thesis in computer science at MIT, Honorable Mention for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Okawa Foundation Research Grant, the MS&E Graduate Teaching Award, the INFORMS Telecommunications Section Doctoral Dissertation Award, the NSF CAREER Award, and the Cisco Faculty Scholarship. He has served on the program committees of ACM Economics and Computation (including co-chairing the conference in 2019), ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE Infocom, and ACM SIGMETRICS, as the track chair for the Internet Economics and Monetization Track at WWW, and as a founding co-organizer of the Marketplace Innovation Workshop. He served as founding Area Co-Editor of the Revenue Management and Market Analytics Area for Operations Research, and as associate editor for Management Science (in the Stochastic Models and Simulation area) and Stochastic Systems.
Industrial affiliations
Ramesh is currently a technical advisor to Boam. He has previously served as technical advisor to Upwork; senior advisor to Airbnb; technical advisor to Stitch Fix; senior advisor for marketplace experimentation to Uber; technical advisor to Optimizely; technical advisor to Stripe; and technical advisor to Bumble. In 2012-2013, Ramesh was on leave at oDesk (now Upwork), an online labor market; first as a Consulting Scientist, then as Director of Data Products and Research.
Research support
Current sources of support include the National Science Foundation; the Stanford Human-Centered AI Initiative; the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute; and the Stanford School of Engineering.
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