We make available the data sets and some of the associated output from
Rogosa, D. R., and Saner, H. M. (1995). Longitudinal data analysis examples with random coefficient models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 20, 149-170. Also: Reply to Discussants, 234-238.

The data analysis and generation programs are also available. timepath tpsim

Data examples

  1. Rat Data shown in Exhibit 1, p.153 (also from 1989 HLM manual)
  2. Artificial Data also shown (in part) in Exhibit 1, p.153 created by tpsim comes in three versions--see description p.159
  3. Artificial Data (n=100) used in the Reply (described pp.236-7) having different observation times for each individual

HLM Output

We provide utilities to translate data sets from the rectangular form of Exhibit 1 to the between-unit and within-unit data files required by the HLM program.

HLM output provided includes sets of runs (CNBN, CYBN, CNBY, CYBY) for:

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