Course Staff

John Ousterhout
Amrit Saxena
Amrit Saxena
Head CA
Helen Anderson
Helen Anderson
Course Assistant
Roger Chen
Roger Chen
Course Assistant
Vien Dinh
Vien Duong Dinh
Course Assistant
Michael Fitzpatrick
Michael Fitzpatrick
Course Assistant
Nicole Hu
Nicole Hu
Course Assistant
Melissa Johnson
Melissa Johnson
Course Assistant
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee
Course Assistant
Isaac Madan
Isaac Madan
Course Assistant
Andy Mai
Andy Mai
Course Assistant
Lester Mayer
Colin Mayer
Course Assistant
Aaron Nagao
Aaron Nagao
Course Assistant
John Yang-Sammataro
John Yang-Sammataro
Course Assistant

Add "" or ".edu" to all e-mail addresses above.

For most issues, the best way to contact the course staff is to post a question on Piazza. If you believe that Piazza is not the best way to resolve an issue, you can reach the CAs through the email alias "cs142ca@cs". We prefer that you do not contact CAs individually unless it is part of an ongoing conversation; you will get a faster response by using Piazza or the group alias.

Office Hours

The following calendar lists all of the discussion sections and office hours for the course. Unless otherwise indicated in the calendar, office hours will be held in the Lathrop Tech Lounge. CAs will bring signs to identify themselves. Note: the schedule of office hours may change from time to time, so be sure to check the calendar before going to an office hour. John Ousterhout's office hours will always be in his office (Gates 310).