Lecture Notes for CS 142
Winter 2015
John Ousterhout

  • Additional reading for this topic:
    • Online documentation for HTML features, such as
  • HTML5: new HTML standard
    • Huge: many new features
    • Most features now implemented in current versions of most browsers
  • Many new HTML elements:
    • Timed media playback: <video> and <audio>.
      • Before HTML5, had to use Adobe Flash for these.
    • SVG (scalable vector graphics):
      • Text, lines, curves, filled shapes
      • Rotations, transparency, gradients
      • Graphical objects are HTML DOM objects, such as
        <circle cx="25" cy="25" r="15" stroke="green"
            fill="white" stroke-width="5"/>
      • Can modify objects under Javascript control
      • RaftScope example:
    • Canvas: alternative to SVG
      • All drawing is done from Javascript (only the canvas is an HTML object).
      • Not as powerful as SVG.
    • New form element input types:
      • Date
      • Color
      • Many others
    • Many other new HTML elements: <article>, <aside>, <bdi>, <command>, <details>, <figcaption>, <figure>, <footer>, <header>, <mark>, <meter>, <nav>, <progress>, <rp>, <rt>, <ruby>, <section>, <summary>, <wbr>
      • Semantic elements provide structural information for programs that search/manipulate HTML
        • E.g. <aside> identifies extra information not essential to the main presentation.
        • Particularly useful for accessibility.
      • Additional graphical elements
        • E.g. <progress> displays progress bar.
  • Web storage: persistent local storage for key-value pairs
    • Accessed through the localStorage object:
      localStorage.setItem("state", "California");
      localStorage.state = "Missouri";
    • Values are always strings.
    • Same-origin policy limits access.
  • Cross-document messaging (postMessage).
  • Web workers: run Javascript code in the background:
    w = new Worker("workerCode.js");
    • Worker code does not have access to DOM.
    • Communicates with main window via postMessage.
  • Drag and drop support:
    • Mark elements draggable:
      <img draggable="true">
    • New event types:
      • ondragstart
      • ondragover
      • ondrop
    • Passing data from the drag source to the drag destination:
      event.dataTransfer.setData(type, value);
      var data = event.dataTransfer.getData(type);
  • Geolocation: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
    • Will ask user for permission first