
We consider linear regression model, where we are given n i.i.d. pairs (Y_1,X_1), (Y_2,X_2), cdots, (Y_n,X_n) with vectors X_i in mathbb{R}^p and response variables Y_i are given by

 Y_i = langle theta_0, X_i rangle + W_i.

Here theta_0 in mathbb{R}^p is the vector of coefficients, W_i is measurement noise with mean zero and variance sigma^2. Moreover, langle cdot, cdot rangle denotes the standard scalar product in mathbb{R}^p.

In matrix form, letting Y = (Y_1, cdots, Y_n)^{sf T} and denoting by mathbf{X} the design matrix with rows X_1^{sf T}, cdots, X_n^{sf T}, we have

 Y = mathbf{X} theta_0 + W.

Note: We are primarily interested in high-dimensional regime, where the number of parameters is larger than the number of samples (p > n), although our method applies to the classical low-dimensional setting (n > p) as well.


Given response vector Y and design matrix mathbf{X}, we want to construct confidence intervals for each single coefficient theta_{0,i}.
Furthermore, we are interested in testing individual null hypothesis H_{0,i} : theta_{0,i} = 0 versus the alternative H_{A,i} : theta_{0,i} neq 0, and assigning p-values for these tests.


Here, we provide a simple explanation of our method. For more details and discussions, please see our paper.

Our method is based on constructing a ‘de-biased’ version of LASSO.

Let widehat{theta} =widehat{theta}(lambda) be the LASSO estimator with regularization parameter lambda. For a matrix Min mathbb{R}^{p times p}, define

 widehat{theta}^u(M) = widehat{theta} + frac{1}{n} Mmathbf{X}^{sf T}(Y-mathbf{X}widehat{theta}).

For a suitable choice of matrix M, we characterize distribution of the de-biased estimator widehat{theta}^u, from which we construct asymptotically valid confidence intervals, as follows:

For i in {1, cdots, p} and significance alpha in (0, 1), we let

 J_i(alpha) ,,,, equiv,, [widehat{theta}^u_i - delta(alpha,n), widehat{theta}^u_i + delta(alpha,n)],
 delta(alpha,n) equiv ,, Phi^{-1}(1-alpha/2) frac{widehat{sigma}}{sqrt{n}} [Mwidehat{Sigma} M^{sf T}]^{1/2}_{i,i}.

Here, Phi^{-1}(cdot) is the quantile function of the standard normal distribution and widehat{sigma} is a consistent estimator of sigma.

For testing the null hypothesis H_{0,i}, we construct a two-sided p-value as follows:

 P_i = 2left(1-Phileft(frac{sqrt{n}|widehat{theta}^u_i|}{widehat{sigma} [Mwidehat{Sigma} M^{sf T}]^{1/2}_{i,i}}right)right).

How to choose matrix M?

For input parameter mu, the de-biasing matrix M is constructed via the following optimization problem:

1. for i = 1, 2, cdots, p do

Let m_i be a solution of the convex program:

 underset{m}{text{minimize}} quadquad m^{sf T}widehat{Sigma}m
 text{subject to} quad, |widehat{Sigma} m -e_i|_{infty} le mu,

where e_i in mathbb{R}^p is the vector with one at the i-th position and zero everywhere else.

2. Set M = (m_1, cdots, m_p)^{sf T}.text{} ( Rows of M are the vectors m_i.)

In our code, the user can either give parameters lambda and mu as input or let the algorithm select their values automatically.