- Pengyu Fan, Uday K. Chettiar, Linyou Cao,Farzaneh Afshinmanesh, Nader Engheta, and Mark L. Brongersma, An Invisible Metal - Semiconductor Photodetector, Nature Photonics 6,380-385(2012).
[ Nature Photonics ]
- Varat Intaraprasonk and Shanhui Fan, Enhancing the waveguide-resonator optical force with an all-optical on-chip analog of electromagnetically induced transparency, Physical Review A, 86, 063833 (2012).
[ Physical Review A ]
- Ni Xingjie, Emani Naresh K., Kildishev Alexander V. et al., Broadband Light Bending with Plasmonic Nanoantennas, Science, 335, 427-427 (2012).
[ Nature Photonics ]
- Shuang Zhang, Ziliang Ye, Yuan Wang, Yongshik Park, Guy Bartal,Michael Mrejen, Xiaobo Yin, and Xiang Zhang,"Anti-Hermitian Plasmon Coupling of an Array of Gold Thin-Film Antennas for Controlling Light at the Nanoscale, Physical Review Letters, 109, 193902 (2012.)
[ Physical Review Letters ]
- M. Gullans, T.G. Tiecke, D.E. Chang,J. Feist, J.D. Thompson, J.I. Cirac, P. Zoller, and M.D. Lukin, Nanoplasmonic Lattices for Ultracold Atoms, Physical Review Letters, 109, 235309 (2012).
[ Physical Review Letters ]
- Sozo Yokogawa, Stanley P. Burgos, and Harry A. Atwater, Plasmonic Color Filters for CMOS Image Sensor Applications, Nano Letters,12, 4349-4354 (2012).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Zhengtong Liu,Erping Li,Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexander V. Kildishev, Near field enhancement in silver nanoantenna-superlens systems, Applied Physics Letters 101, 021109(2012).
[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- Gururaj V. Naik, Jingjing Liu, Alexander V. Kildishev, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexandra Boltasseva,Demonstration of Al:ZnO as a plasmonic component for near-infrared metamaterials, PNAS 6,380-385(2012).
[ PNAS ]
- U. Guler, G.V. Naik, A. Boltasseva, V.M. Shalaev,
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[ Applied Physics B ]
- J. Kim, V.P. Drachev, Z. Jacob, G.V. Naik, A. Boltasseva, E.E. Narimanov, and V.M. Shalaev, Improving the radiative decay rate for dye
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[ Optics Express ]
- Nathalie P. de Leon, Mikhail D. Lukin, and Hongkun Park, Quantum Plasmonic Circuits, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 18,1781-1789 (2012).
[ IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ]
- Ziliang Ye, Shuang Zhang, Yuan Wang, Yong-Shik Park, Thomas Zentgraf, Guy Bartal, Xiaobo Yin, and Xiang Zhang, Mapping the near-field dynamics of plasmon induced transparency,
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[ Physical Review B ]
- Michael J Burek, Nathalie P de Leon, Brendan J Shields, Birgit JM Hausmann, Yiwen Chu, Qimin Quan, Alexander S Zibrov, Hongkun Park, Mikhail D Lukin, Marko Loncar, Free-Standing Mechanical and Photonic Nanostructures in Single-Crystal Diamond, Nano Letters, 12 , 6084-6089 (2012).
[ Nano Letters ]
- D. A. B. Miller, Self-aligning universal beam coupler, Opt. Express 21, 6360-6370 (2013).
[ Optics Express ]
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[ Photonics Research ]
- K. C. Balram, R. M. Audet, and D. A. B. Miller, "Nanoscale resonant-cavity-enhanced germanium photodetectors with lithographically defined spectral response for improved performance at telecommunications wavelengths," Opt. Express 21, 10228-10233 (2013).
[ Optics Express ]
- Chun Liang Yu, Hyunwoo Kim, Nathalie de Leon, Ian W Frank, Jacob Robinson, Murray McCutcheon, Mingzhao Liu, Mikhail D Lukin, Marko Loncar, Hongkun Park, Stretchable Photonic Crystal Cavity with Wide Frequency Tunability, Nano Lett., 13, 248-252 (2013).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Alexander V. Kildishev, Alexandra Boltasseva, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Planar Photonics with Metasurfaces, Science 339, 1232009 (2013).
[ Science ]
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[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- Varat Intaraprasonk and Shanhui Fan, Optical pulling force and conveyor belt effect in resonator-waveguide system, Optics Letters, 38, 3264-3267 (2013).
[ Optics Letters ]
- Varat Intaraprasonk and Shanhui Fan, A lateral optical equilibrium in waveguide-resonator optical force, Optics Express, 21 (21), 25257-25270 (2013).
[ Optics Express ]
- Wonseok Shin, Wenshan Cai, Peter B. Catrysse, Georgios Veronis, Mark L. Brongersma, and Shanhui Fan, Broadband Sharp 90-degree Bends and T-Splitters in Plasmonic Coaxial Waveguides, Nano Letters, 13 (10), 4753-4758, (2013).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Xingjie Ni, Alexander V. Kildishev, and Vladimir M. Shalaev, Metasurface holograms for visible light, Nature Communications, 4 (2807), (2013).
[ Nature Communications ]
- M. Y. Shalaginov, S. Ishii, J. Liu, J. Liu, J. Irudayaraj, A. Lagutchev, A. V. Kildishev, V. M. Shalaev, Broadband enhancement of spontaneous emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by hyperbolic metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 173114, (2013).
[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- Xiangeng Meng, Urcan Guler, Alexander V. Kildishev, Koji Fujita, Katsuhisa Tanaka, & Vladimir M. Shalaev, Unidirectional Spaser in Symmetry-Broken Plasmonic Core-Shell Nanocavity, Scientific Reports 3, 1241 (2013).
[ Scientific Reports ]
- Xingjie Ni, Satoshi Ishii, Alexander V Kildishev, and Vladimir M Shalaev, Ultra-thin, planar, Babinet-inverted plasmonic metalenses, Light: Science & Applications 2, 28 (2013).
[ Light: Science and Applications ]
- D. A. B. Miller, Establishing optimal wave communication channels automatically, J. Lightwave Technol. 31, 3987 - 3994 (2013) DOI:
[ Journal of Lightwave Technology ]
- D. A. B. Miller, Reconfigurable add-drop multiplexer for spatial modes, Opt. Express 21, 20220-20229 (2013).
[ Optics Express ]
- D. A. B. Miller, Designing Linear Optical Components, Optics in 2013 Special Issue, Optics and Photonics News, December 2013, p. 38.
[ Optics and Photonics News ]
- C. Pfeiffer, N. K. Emani, A. M. Shaltout, A. Boltasseva, V. M. Shalaev, A. Grbic, Efficient Light Bending with Isotropic Metamaterial Huygens' Surfaces, Nano Lett., 14, 2491-2497 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Ho W. Lee, Georgia Papadakis, Stanley P. Burgos, Krishnan Chander, Arian Kriesch, Ragip Pala, Ulf Peschel, and Harry A. Atwater, Nanoscale Conducting Oxide PlasMOStor, Nano Letters, 14 (11), 6463-6468 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Min Seok Jang, Victor W. Brar, Michelle C. Sherrott, Josue J. Lopez, Laura Kim, Seyoon Kim, Mansoo Choi, and Harry A. Atwater, Tunable large resonant absorption in a midinfrared graphene Salisbury screen, Physical Review B, 90, 165409, (2014).
[ Physical Review B ]
- T.G. Tiecke, K.P. Nayak, J.D. Thompson, T. Peyronel, N.P. de Leon, V. Vuletic, M.D. Lukin, Efficient Fiber-Optical Interface for Nanophotonic Devices, Optica 2 (2), 70-75, 2014.
[ Optica ]
- D.E. Chang, V. Vuletic, M.D. Lukin, Quantum Nonlinear Optics - Photon by Photon, Nature Photonics, 8 (9) 685 (2014).
[ Nature Photonics ]
- Kevin C. Y. Huang, Min-Kyo Seo, Tomas Sarmiento, Yijie Huo, James S. Harris, and Mark L. Brongersma, Electrically-driven subwavelength optical nano-circuits, to be published in Nature Photonics (2014).
[ Nature Photonics ]
- Y. Chu, N. de Leon, B. Shields, B.J.M Hausmann, R. Evans, E. Togan, M.J Burek, M. Markham, A. Stacey, A. Zibrov, A. Yacoby, D. Twitchen, M. Loncar, H. Park, P. Maletinsky, M.D Lukin, Coherent Optical Transitions in Implanted Nitrogen-vacancy Centers, Nano Lett., 14 (4), pp 1982-1986 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Victor W. Brar, Min Seok Jang, Michelle Sherrott, Seyoon Kim, Josue J. Lopez, Laura B. Kim, Mansoo Choi, and Harry Atwater, Hybrid Surface-Phonon-Plasmon Polariton Modes in Graphene/Monolayer h-BN Heterostructures, Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (7), pp 3876-3880 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Stanley P. Burgos, Ho W. Lee, Eyal Feigenbaum, Ryan M. Briggs, and Harry A. Atwater, Synthesis and Characterization of Plasmonic Resonant Guided Wave Networks, Nano Lett., 14, 3284-3292 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- James S. Fakonas, Hyunseok Lee, Yousif A. Kelaita, Harry A. Atwater, Two-plasmon quantum interference, Nature Photonics 8, 317-320 (2014).
[ Nature Photonics ]
- Min Seok Jang, Victor W. Brar, Michelle C. Sherrott, Josue J. Lopez, Laura Kim, Seyoon Kim, Mansoo Choi, and Harry A. Atwater, Tunable large resonant absorption in a midinfrared graphene Salisbury screen, Phys. Rev. B 90, 165409 - Published 8 October 2014 (2014).
[ Physical Review B ]
- Ho W. Lee, Georgia Papadakis, Stanley P. Burgos, Krishnan Chander, Arian Kriesch, Ragip Pala, Ulf Peschel, and Harry A. Atwater,
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[ Nano Letters ]
- Xiaobo Yin, Ziliang Ye, Daniel A. Chenet, Yu Ye, Kevin O Brien, James C. Hone, Xiang Zhang, Edge Nonlinear Optics on a MoS2 Atomic Monolayer, Science, 344, 6183, 2014.
[ Science ]
- Yu Ye, Ziliang Ye, Majid Gharghi, Hanyu Zhu, Mervin Zhao, Yuan Wang, Xiaobo Yin, and Xiang Zhang, Exciton-dominant electroluminescence from a diode of monolayer MoS2,Applied Physics Letters, 104, 193508, 2014.
[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- J. Piper and S. Fan, Total absorption in a graphene monolayer in the optical regime by critical coupling with a photonic crystal guided resonance, ACS Photonics, vol. 1, pp. 347-353 (2014).
[ ACS Photonics ]
- J. Piper, V. Liu, and S. Fan, Total absorption by degenerate critical coupling, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, 251110 (2014).
[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- T. Liu, Y. Shen, W. Shin, Q. Zhu, S. Fan, and C. Jin, Dislocated double-layer metal gratings: an efficient unidirectional coupler, Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp. 3848-3854 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Y. Buyukalp, P. B. Catrysse, W. Shin and S. Fan, Spectral light separator based on deep-subwavelength resonator apertures in a metal film, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, art. No. 011114 (2014).
[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- Y. Liu, A. S. Chadha, D. Zhao, J. R. Piper, Y. Jia, Y. Shuai, L. Menon, H. Yang, Z. Ma, S. Fan, F. Xia, and W. Zhou, Approaching total absorption at near infrared in a large area monolayer graphene by critical coupling, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, art. No. 181105 (2014).
[ Applied Physics Letters ]
- Q. Zhang, X. Li, M. M. Hossain, J. Song, M. D. Turner, S. Fan, Q. Bao, and M. Gu, Graphene surface plasmons at the near-infrared optical regime, Scientific Reports, vol. 4, art. No. 6559 (2014).
[ Scientific Reports ]
- Amr Shaltout, Jingjing Liu, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexander V. Kildishev, Optically Active Metasurface with Non-Chiral Plasmonic Nanoantennas, Nano Lett., 14(8), pp 4426-4431 (2014).
[ Nano Letters ]
- X. Meng, J.Liu, A.V. Kildishev, and V.M. Shalaev, Highly directional spaser array for the red wavelength region, Laser & Photonics Review, 8(6), pp 896-903 (2014).
[ Laser & Photonics Review ]
- Paul R. West, Nathaniel Kinsey, Marcello Ferrera, Alexander V. Kildishev, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexandra Boltasseva, Adiabatically Tapered Hyperbolic Metamaterials for Dispersion Control of High-k Waves, Nano Lett., 15(1), pp 498-505 (2015).
[ Nano Letters ]
- M.Y. Shalaginov, V.V. Vorobyov, J. Liu, M. Ferrera, A.V. Akimov, A. Lagutchev, A.N. Smolyaninov, V.V. Klimov, J. Irudayaraj, A.V. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, and V.M. Shalaev, Enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al,Sc)N hyperbolic metamaterial, Laser & Photonics Review, vol. 9, No. 1, pp 120-127(2015).
[ Laser & Photonics Review ]
- Shoufeng Lan, Lei Kang, David T. Schoen, Sean P. Rodrigues, Yonghao Cui, Mark L. Brongersma, and Wenshan Cai, Backward phase-matching for nonlinear optical generation in negative-index materials, Nature Materials, 14, 807-811 (2015).
[ Nature Materials ]
- Alessandro Pitanti, Johannes M. Fink, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Jeff T. Hill, Chan U. Lei, Alessandro Tredicucci, and Oskar Painter, Strong opto-electro-mechanical coupling in a silicon photonic crystal cavity, Optics Express, 23, 3196-3208 (2015).
[ Optics Express ]
- David A. B. Miller, Sorting out light, Science, 347 (6229), 1423-1424, (2015).
[ Science ]
- David A. B. Miller, Perfect optics with imperfect components, Optica, 2 (8), 747-750, (2015).
[ Optica ]
- James S. Fakonas1, Anna Mitskovets, and Harry A. Atwater, Path entanglement of surface plasmons, New Journal of Physics, 17, 023002, (2015).
[ New Journal of Physics ]
- S. Kolkowitz, A. Safira, A. A. High, R. C. Devlin, S. Choi, Q. P. Unterreithmeier, D. Patterson, A. S. Zibrov, V. E. Manucharyan, H. Park, M. D. Lukin, Probing Johnson noise and ballistic transport in normal metals with a single spin qubit, Science, 347, 1129-1132, (2015).
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- A. Mahigir, P. Dastmalchi, W. Shin, S. Fan, and G. Veronis, Plasmonic coaxial waveguide-cavity devices, Optics Express, 23, 20549-20562, (2015).
[ Optics Express ]
- B. J. Shields, Q. P. Unterreithmeier, N. P. de Leon, H. Park, M. D. Lukin, Efficient readout of a single spin state in diamond via spin-to-charge conversion, Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 136402, (2015).
[ Phys. Rev. Lett. ]
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- Aimin Wu, Hao Li, Junjie Du, Xingjie Ni, Ziliang Ye, Yuan Wang, Zhen Sheng, Shichang Zou, Fuwan Gan, Xiang Zhang, and Xi Wang, Experimental Demonstration of In-Plane Negative-Angle Refraction with an Array of Silicon Nanoposts, Nano Letters, AOP, (2015).
[ Nano Letters ]
- Kejie Fang, Matthew M. Matheny, Xingsheng Luan, and Oskar Painter, Optical transduction and routing of microwave phonons in cavity-optomechanical circuits, Nature Photonics, 10, 489-496, (2016).
[ Nature Photonics ]
- Hannes Pfeiffer, Taofiq Paraiso, Leyun Zang, and Oskar Painter, Design of tunable GHz-frequency optomechanical crystal resonators, Optics Express, 24 (11), 11407-11419, (2016).
[ Optics Express ]
- Y. Huang, H. Wai, H. Lee, R. Sokhoyan, R. A. Pala, K. Thyagarajan, S. Han, D. P. Tsai and H. A. Atwater, Gate-Tunable Conducting Oxide Metasurfaces, Nano Letters, 16, 5319 ? 5325, (2016).
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- L. Zhu, F. Liu, H. Liu, J. Hu, Z. Yu, X. Wang and S. Fan, Angle-selective perfect absorption with two-dimensional materials, Light: Science and Applications, 5, No. E16052, (2016).
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- Y. Shen, G. Fang, A. Cerjan, S. Fan, and C. Jin, Slanted gold mushroom array: a switchable unidirectional surface plasmon polariton coupler and splitter, Nanoscale, 8, 15505 - 15513, (2016).
[ Nanoscale ]
- T. Hughes and S. Fan, Plasmonic Circuit Theory for Multi-Resonant Light Funneling to a Single Spatial Hot Spot, Nano Letters (2016).
[ Nano Letters ]
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- Taofiq K. Paraiso, Mahmoud Kalaee, Leyun Zang, Hannes Pfeifer, Florian Marquardt, and Oskar Painter, Position-squared coupling in a tunable photonic crystal optomechanical cavity, Phys. Rev. X (2016).
[ Phys. Rev. X ]
- A. A. High, R. C. Devlin, A. Dibos, M. Polking, D. S. Wild, J. Perczel, N. P. de Leon, M. D. Lukin, H. Park, Visible-frequency hyperbolic metasurface, Nature, 522, 192 - 196 (2016).
[ Nature ]
- A. Salandrino, Y. Wang & X. Zhang, "Nonlinear infrared plasmonic waveguide arrays, Nano Research, 9, 224 (2016).
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[ Optics Express ]