
Lab Members

Research Interests


MBL Neurobiology Course

Lab Alumni


Lab Activities

Madison Web Index


Links to lllustrious former members of the lab


Dwight Bergles, Ph.D.

Janice Braun, Ph.D.

Gal Cohen, Ph.D. (gcohen@phy.ucsf.edu)

Van Doze, Ph.D. (Dozer) (vandoze@leland.stanford.edu)

Michael Finley, Ph.D. (finleym@wyeth.com)

Jane Haley, Ph.D.

Rory McQuiston, Ph.D.

Johanna Montgomery, Ph.D. (johannam@stanford.edu)

Richard D. Mooney, Ph.D.

Karen D. Parfitt, Ph.D.

Paul Pavlidis, Ph.D.

Erin M. Schuman, Ph.D.