"City on Fire," BULLETIN OF ATOMIC SCIENTISTS, January-February 2004 cover story
"It Is Certain There Will be Many Firestorms: New Evidence on the Origins of Overkill," William Burr, Electronic Briefing Book No. 108, The National Security Archive, George Washington University
"Lynn Eden's book offers hot lessons from Cold War," Lisa Trei, STANFORD REPORT, October 27, 2004
"Underestimating the Consequences of Use of Nuclear Weapons: Condemned to Repeat the Past's Errors?" PHYSICS AND SOCIETY, January 2005
Science and technology links:
Science, Knowledge and Technology Section, American Sociological Association
Society for Social Studies of Science
Cold War
Science and Technology Studies Program, Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University
Science, Technology, Society Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Program in Science, Technology and Society, Stanford University
Science Studies Program, University of California, San Diego
Donald MacKenzie webpage, University of Edinburgh
Paul N. Edwards webpage, University of Michigan
History & Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
Nuclear links:
Peace Memorial Museum
Atomic Bomb Museum
U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Center for Defense Information, Nuclear Issues
of American Scientists
Weapons of Mass Destruction
FAS's Nuclear Links
The National Security Archive, George Washington University
Electronic Briefing Books, scroll down to Nuclear History
Nuclear History at the Archive
Natural Resources Defense Council Nuclear Weapons and Waste
U.S. Nuclear War Plan, A Time for Change (see esp. chap. 3 and app. D)
NRDC's Nuclear Links
Prelinger Internet Archive, atomic-nuclear films
Light's 100 Suns
Trinity Atomic Web Site
for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University