- Rob J. Wang, 2017
"Brownian Modeling of Queues: Rates of Convergence to Equilibrium, Departure Variability, and Large Deviations"
- Seungwon Jeong, 2015
"Essays on Market Design and Auction Theory"
- Danielle Davidian, 2015
"The Impact of Estimated Parameters on Optimal Decision-making with Applications in Finance"
- Chang-han Rhee, 2013
"Unbiased Estimation with Biased Samplers"
- Mohammad Mousavi, 2013
"Simulation Methods for Non-stationary Queues and Value Function Computation"
- Naveed Chehrazi, 2013
"Identification and Optimization of Stochastic Systems"
- Nick West, 2012
"Filtering and Control of Flow in a Model Scramjet Engine"
- Jihye Choi, 2012
"Small-sample Behavior of Importance Sampling Estimators"
- Xiaowei Zhang, 2011
"Computing Rare-Event Probabilities for Affine Models and General State Space Markov Processes"
- Wei Wu, 2009
"Simulation-based Optimization in the Presence of Convexity"
- Eunji Lim, 2008
"Simulation-based Response Surface Computation in the Presence of Shape Constraints"
- Mariana Olvera-Cravioto, 2006
"The Single-Server Queue with Heavy Tails"
- Yuqing Sun, 2005
"Stochastic Models for Warranty Cost Analysis and Online Purchase Prediction"
- Hernan Awad, 2005
"Clumping of Losses and Long Delays in a Queue: Analysis and Simulation"
- Yen Lin Chia, 2005
"Simulation-based Optimization and Applications in Biomedical Modelling"
- Peter Salzman, 2005
"Statistical Models for the Natural History of Breast Cancer"
- Timothy Holliday, 2004
"Cross-layer Design of Wireless Systems"
- Jose Blanchet, 2004
"Limit Theorems and Approximations with Applications to Insurance Risk and Queueing Theory"
- Victor Araman, 2002
"Maximum of Perturbed Random Walk: Limit Theorems and Applications"
- Assaf Zeevi, 2001
"Characterization and Estimation of Rare Events via Extreme Values"
- Amy Ward, 2001
"Queues with Reneging"
- Marcelo J. Torres, 2001
"Brownian Modeling of a Rate Control Throttle"
- Roberto Szechtman, 2001
"Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation in the Presence of Constraints"
- Paritosh Desai, 2001
"Adaptive Monte Carlo Methods for Solving Eigenvalue Problems"
- Brad Romine, 2000
"Real Options in Energy Markets: Analysis and Computation"
- Shing-Hoi Lee, 1998
"Monte Carlo Computation of Conditional Expectation Quantiles"
- Eugene Wong, 1998
"An Empirically-Based Coupling Algorithm for Transient Simulation"
- Ming-hua Hsieh, 1998
"Adaptive Importance Sampling for Rare Event Simulation of Queueing Networks"
- Shane Henderson, 1997
"Variance Reduction via an Approximating Markov Process"
- James Robert Bradley, 1997
"Managing Manufacturing Assets and Subcontracting Policies"
- Elizabeth Schwerer, 1996
"A Linear Programming Approach to the Steady-State Analysis of Markov Processes"
- Tzu-Hui Yang, 1995
"Efficient Simulation Techniques with Application to Performance Evaluation of ATM Switches"
- Wing Wah Loh, 1994
"Methods of Control Variates for Discrete Event Simulation"
- Tava Lennon, 1994
"Response-Time Approximations for Multi-Server Polling Models, with Manufacturing Applications"
- Sandeep Juneja, 1993
"Efficient Rare Event Simulation of Stochastic Systems"
- Craig Kollman, 1993
"Rare Event Simulation in Radiation Transport"
- Eva Diane Erdmann, 1993
"Complexity Measures for Testing Binary Keystreams"
- Nathaniel Chan, 1992
"Optimal Hydraulic Aquifier Management with Reliability Constraints"
- David Muñoz, 1991
"Cancellation Methods in the Analysis of Simulation Output"
- Marvin Nakayama, 1991
"Simulation of Highly Reliable Markovian and Non-Markovian Systems"
- Sigrun Andradottir, 1990
"Stochastic Optimization with Applications to Discrete Event Systems"
- Perwez Shahabuddin, 1990
"Simulation and Analysis of Highly Reliable Systems"
- James M. Calvin, 1989
"Stochastic Optimization Algorithms and Moment Formulas for Markov Chains"
- Halim Damerdji, 1988
"Topics in Discrete-Event Stochastic Systems"