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Gregory Freidin's Selected Publications

Literature & Culture
Politics & Other
Russia at the
Barricades: Eyewitness Accounts of the Moscow Coup (August 1991), ed. by Victoria
Bonnell, Ann Copper and Gregory Freidin. Introduction by Victoria E. Bonnell and Gregory
Freidin (M.E. Sharpe, 1994). |
American Federalists: Hamilton, Madison, Jay. Selections. With an Addendum of The
Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United
States. Translated into Russian, annotated and with an Introduction by Gregory
Freidin. Leon Lipson, Consultant. Edited by V. & L. Chalidze. Benson, Vt.: Chalidze
Publications, 1990. |
Khrushchev Remembers: The Last Testament. Trans. and ed. by Strobe Talbott and
Gregory Freidin (anonymously). With a foreword by Edward Crankshaw and an Intro. by
Jerrold Schecter. Boston: Little, Brown, 1974. |
"Transfiguration of Kitsch: Timur Kibirovs Elegies for Soviet
Civilization," An abridged version appeared
in Endquote, ed. Yevgeny Dobrenko et al., Northwestern
University Press, 2000. |
Pelevin's Dzheneraishen “P”. Foreign Policy. Spring
2000. |
Diary, 1992-1998.” Neprikosnovennyi zapas (Moscow), No. 1(3),
1999. In Russian |
Cleopatra: Moscow In the Summer of 1992.” Neprikosnovennyi zapas
(Moscow), No. 2 (4), 1999. Translated from English. For the original
English, click here. |
"Televorot: The Role of Television Coverage in Russia's August 1991
Coup," with Victoria E. Bonnell, The Slavic Review 1 (Winter 1994). Also in
Nancy Condee, ed., Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century
Russia (Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 1995). |
"From Under the Rubble: Meaning, National Identity and Social Justice in Russia
After Communism's Collpase." What and Where Is Post-Colonialism? (Yale
University Press, 1994). |
"By the Walls of the Church and State: On the Authority of Literature in Russia's
Modern Tradition" The Russian Review (April, 1993). |
"Two Overcoats and a Bearded Joke: Urban Subculture and the
Dominant Culture in Russia since the Death of Stalin" (In Russian) Znamia 9
(Moscow, September 1992); a section was published under the title, "The Overcoat,
Red-Army Style" (in Russian), Nezavisimaia gazeta (Moscow, July 7, 1992) |
"Or Did They [We]
Live In Vain? Gorbachev's Values and Myths (With an Epilogue on Yeltsin)." In
Russian. Russian Culture in Transition (Stanford, 1993). |
Communist Is Communist Gorbachev?"
Dilemmas of Transition: Eastern Europe and the USSR.
Ed. by George Breslauer. Center for Slavic and East European Studies
(Berkeley, 1991) |
"Romans into Italians: Russkii in the Russian
Language of State." Russian Culture in Transition (Stanford, 1993). |
"On the Generation That Has Preserved Its Scholars: Correspondence Between
Shklovsky and Jakobson, 1928-1930" (in Russian), In Honor of Joseph Frank (Stanford
Slavic Studies 4-2, 1992)." |
A Writer Meets the State," in The Gorbachev Era, eds. Alexander Dallin
and Condoleezza Rice (Stanford Alumni Association, 1986). |
"Authorship and Citizenship: A Problem for Modern Russian Literature" Stanford
Slavic Studies 1 (1987) |
на санях: Мандельштам и харизматическая традиция русского модернизма." (Sitting
in the Sled: Osip Mandelstam and the Charismatic Tradition of Russian
modernism). In Russian.
Voprosy Literatury (Moscow) 1 (January, 1991). |
Osip Mandelstam --
Encyclopaedia Britannica On-Line |
Charisma of Poetry and Poetry of Charisma.
Chapter 1, Gregory Freidin, A Coat of Many
Colors: Mandelstam and His Mythologies of Self-Presentation ( UC
Press, 1987) |
"History and Myth
Chapter 8, Gregory Freidin, A Coat of Many
Colors: Mandelstam and His Mythologies of Self-Presentation ( UC
Press, 1987) |
"Mandelstam's Parleying with Stalin: History and Myth (1930-1938)" (in
Russian) American Contributions to the Study of Russian Literature. Ed. by
Elizabeth Neatrour and Boris Averin. Moscow (1994). |
"Osip Mandelstam: The Poetry of Time (1908-1916)," California Slavic
Studies 11 (1979):141-86 |
"The Whisper of History and the Noise of Time in the Writings of Osip
Mandelstam," The Russian Review 37, no. 4 (October 1978):421-37 |