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Welcome to Freidin's
Osip Mandelstam Page
"Osip Mandelstam" article for the updated
Encyclopaedia Britannica (2002)
Gregory Freidin, ACoat of Many Colors: Osip Mandelstam and His Mythologies of
Self-Presentation (UC Press, 1987):
на санях: Осип Мандельштам и харизматическая традиция русского модернизма,"
Вопросы литературы 1 (Москва, 1992 г.) <Sitting in the Sled: Osip Mandelstam and the Charismatic Tradition of Russian
modernism." In Russian.Voprosy Literatury 1 (Moscow, 1992)>
Osip Mandelstam Photo Album
Mandelstam recites his verse

last updated:
April, 2004