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Political and Cultural Commentary, mostly on Russia, since 1987

My photo of the crowd outside the courthouse during the resumption of the
trial of the August '91 putschists (Kriuchkov, Yazov, Yanaev, and
Gorbachev's former right-hand man, Anatoly Lukyanov, et al.) in
Moscow, on September 24, 1993. A few hours later, Yeltsin went on TV and
announced his decision to disband the Supreme Soviet, which triggered
another attempt at a coup, concluded with the army tanks firing on the White
House. |

- EYES WIDE OPEN: A Soviet Classic Revisits the End of War. Marlen Khutsiev's IT HAPPENED IN MAY (1970). Telluride Festival 2016 FILM WATCH (p. 24). For a fuller version see my blog TNT/The Noise of Time
Mysteries at the heart of Stalin's empire. Last year’s most
talked-about work of fiction in Russia raises postmodern (or
post-Soviet) questions Aleksandr Terekov, Kamennyi most.#
TLS, Jan. 1, 2010
Putin: Time Magazine's Person of the Year. On Putin's
interview to Time Magazine (Dec. 19, 2007)
"Aleksei Balabanov’s Cargo 200: Russia’s Gray Underbelly,” The
2007 Film Watch (Telluride, August 2007):73-74
Response to Richard Taruskin on the "Klinghoffer Controversy" (John
Adams' Website). Unpublished letter to the New York Times. December
16, 2001. Click here
to read.
Governing Style: One From Column A, One From B. Op-Ed, Los
Angeles Times, January 14, 2001
Putin's Dilemma: Can Bureaucrats Be
Op-Ed, Los Angeles Times, Sunday,
August 6, 2000
In the Days of Reform Fatigue, the Policeman
Op-Ed, Los Angeles Times, Sunday, March 26, 2000 --
About Putin's ascent -- worth rereading!
Pelevin's Dzhenereyshen
“P”. Foreign Policy. Spring 2000.
Diary, 1992-1998.” Neprikosnovennyi zapas (Moscow), No. 1(3),
1999. In Russian
Cleopatra: Moscow In the Summer of 1992.” Neprikosnovennyi zapas
(Moscow), No. 2 (4), 1999. Translated from English. For the original
English, click
PERSPECTIVE ON RUSSIA: Yeltsin Yields to the Oligarchs,
Op-Ed, Los Angeles Times, August 28, 1998
"Chain Saw Boris Revs Up For Change,"
Op-Ed, Los Angeles Times, March 27, 1998
"Russia: Wishing the 'Swan' Well in His Mission,"
Op-Ed, Los Angeles Times, June 23, 1996
"A Question of Political
Language," Op-Ed., Los Angeles Times, May 12, 1996
"Weimar Russia?," Op-Ed, Los Angeles
Times, January 7, 1996
"An Electoral System Turns Politics Into a
Circus, Imperiling Democracy," Op-Ed, Los Angeles Times, November 12, 1995
"Paradox in the Fog: Stabilization Russian
Style," Opinion Section, Los Angeles Times, August 13, 1995
"Memo to Yeltsin: How to Move Beyond Chechnya,"
Opinion Section, Los Angeles Times, January 8, 1995
"Chechnya Remakes Russian Politics,"
Opinion Section, Los Angeles Times, December 18, 1994
"Moscow Nouveau," Los Angeles Times,
Opinion Section, August 21, 1994
"A Vote for Zhirinovsky Meant a Vote for
Yeltsin," Los Angeles Times, Opinion Section, January 19, 1994
"The Yeltsin Mythology," Opinion Section,
Los Angeles Times (Sunday edition), November 14, 1993
"Or Did They [We] Live In Vain? Gorbachev's Values
and Myths (With an Epilogue on Yeltsin)." In Russian (Win95 Cyr. fonts). Russian
Culture in Transition (Stanford, 1993).
Клеопатры. Москва летом 1992 года. (Without Cleopatra: Moscow Intellectuals in
1992"), Neprikosnovennyi zapas
(Moscow), No. 2 (4), 1999.
Translated from English. For the original English, click
Одиссея. Листки из дневника 1992 г." (Commuter's Odyssey:
Notes from the Diary, 1992). Neprikosnovennyi zapas
(Moscow), No. 2 (4), 1999
"Vestiges of Socialism: Two Perspectives on
Justice", Rossiiskaia Gazeta (Moscow, September 3, 1992).
The English original.
"How Communist Is Communist Gorbachev?"
Dilemmas of Transition: Eastern Europe and the USSR. Ed. by George Breslauer.
Center for Slavic and East European Studies (Berkeley, 1991)
We Live In Vain? Mikhail Gorbachev and Evgeny Popov's
"Tales About Communists," With an Epilogue on Boris
(in Russian - Windows Cyrillic).
Russian Culture in Transition (Stanford, 1993).
"Elections in Tadzhikistan: A Postscript," The Uncaptive Mind
"Coup II: Tadzhikistan's Havel Fights Back,"
New Republic,
(October 14, 1991):16-18
"To the Barricades: A Street-Level View of
Moscow, August 19," The New Republic
(September 30, 1991):8-10.
"Reform or Else (Communists 'For a While'),"
The New Republic (13 August 1990)
"The Gorbachev Team (Communist Reformers
Conspire)," The New Republic
(30 July & 6 August, 1990)
"The Soviet Dinosaur," The New Criterion
( September 1989)
"Gorbachev's Other Woman,"
The New Republic
(December 28, 1987)
