General Student Resources
CTL offers students the help of Peer Writing Tutors (tutors
are nominated by WCT instructors, who consult in their training).
Tutoring takes place in Meyer Library, rooms 311 and 317,
from Sunday through Thursday. "To avoid 'double-booking,'
students no longer sign up in CTL for the Meyer tutors.
They should now request an appointment at the time of their
choice by e-mailing the tutor scheduled in that slot."
Six dorms (Kimball, Lantana, Mirrielees, Roble, Toyon, and
West Lagunita) have Resident Writing Tutors (additionally,
a few non-resident writing tutors will also offer hours
in the dorm). Students can e-mail resident tutors
for appointments or drop by in the hopes of filling an open
An online tutor can be consulted at writutor@CTL.
Note: At present, all peer tutors available to work directly
with WCT classes have been assigned.
in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR): Are you finding it
difficult to get started on your next essay? Have grammar
troubles been tripping you up and slowing you down? Open
to all Stanford students currently enrolled in classes in
the Program in Writing and Rhetoric. Come by to talk
about and work on projects/assignments in any stage of completion--from
evolving ideas to developing material to completed drafts.
Also, don't miss their online collection of writing
tips and resources
Sign up for half-hour appointments on the door of the Tutorial
Center; students are allowed to sign up for up to two hours
of help per week. Students working on advanced drafts of
long papers (6+ pages) are encouraged to bring in/email
a copy of the paper at least 48 hours in advance. (Emailed
papers should be submitted as attachments in Word format.)
Holbo and Eric
Oberle, PWR Instructors and Writing Tutors, 723-1798
(during office hours), Bldg 460-330
Resource Center (ARC) at Arrillaga Family Sports Center,
Dining Hall: ARC academic tutoring is most frequently used
by, and oriented toward, athletes but is available to any
Stanford undergraduate.
of Linguistics/English for Foreign Students (EFS): EFS
courses are open to undergraduates by special permission
only. The EFS program can provide students with a list of
tutors ("fee arrangements must be made independent of the
English for Foreign Student program"). Cristy Juencke (3-1310)
is available to talk to instructors concerning students'
difficulties with spoken or written English
- El
Centro Chicano's Writing & Mentor Program (ECCWMP):
The ECCWMP is "designed to further assist [students] in developing
university level writing skills (both in English and Spanish)
and in navigating academic life at Stanford." Students can
drop by or reach call 3-3091 for more information.
- Disability
Resource Center (DRC): Meyer, room 123, 3-1066. Instructors
can consult counselors at DRC about referring students for
diagnosis or counseling. Students are also welcome to
visit the DRC independently.
- The
Bridge Peer Counseling Center: Call 3-3392 or
drop in (563 Salvatierra Walk). Peer counselors at the Bridge
are available to talk to students any time. The Bridge sponsors
a variety of workshops and support groups.
Assault and Sexual Harassment
Harassment Policy Office / Virginia Pollard, Assistant Director
723-1583, harass@stanford.edu
Deans, Office of Residential Education 725-2800
Sexual Assault Response and Recovery Team (C-SARRT) 725-9955
Sexual Assault Prevention, Sally Baird 725-4211
Defense, Safety, & Security
Promotion Services features
peer counseling, 723-0821. For sexuality issues in general,
call Carole Pertofsky, 723-2005 or Donnovan Yisrael at 725-8393.