Christopher Potts +> Selected talks
Christopher Potts.
Finding linguistic structure in large language models.
Keynote address, 2025 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, January 11, 2025.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Large Language Models Get the Hype, but Compound Systems Are the Future of AI.
Webinar for XCS224u, Stanford University, November 20, 2024.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Three or four stories of unprecedented progress in Artificial Intelligence at Stanford.
Talk for the Stanford Alumni Association, June 3, 2024.
Christopher Potts.
Characterising English Preposing in PP Constructions.
Talk at the event English language and linguistic theory: A tribute to Geoff Pullum (August 31, 2023)
Christopher Potts.
CS224u podcast.
Conversations with outstanding NLP researchers aimed at providing students a sense for these people and how they think about the field.
Christopher Potts.
Beyond GPT-3: Key concepts and open questions in a golden age for Natural Language Understanding.
Webinar for XCS224u, Stanford University, January 18, 2023.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Course lectures for Natural Language Understanding.
CS224u, Stanford University, Spring 2022 quarter.
Christopher Potts.
Course lectures for Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics.
Linguist 130a/230a, Stanford University, Spring 2022 quarter.
Christopher Potts.
Lexical semantics in the time of large language models
Dimensions of Meaning: Distributional and Curated Semantics, NAACL 2022, July 14.
Christopher Potts.
Could a purely self-supervised Foundation Model achieve grounded language understanding?
Workshop on Embodied, Situated, and Grounded Intelligence: Implications for AI, Santa Fe Institute, April 15.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Reliable characterizations of NLP systems as a social responsibility.
ACL-IJCNLP 2021 keynote address.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Compositionality or systematicity?
Franklin Award Symposium for Barbara Partee.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Towards more meaningful benchmarks for natural language understanding
CMU LTI colloquium.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Adversarial testing in natural language understanding.
Webinar for XC224u, Stanford University.
This was a sort of promotional event for the online professsional development course.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
Learning in extended and approximate Rational Speech Acts models.
EMNLP 2016 keynote address.
Associated slides.
Christopher Potts.
The dynamics of apposition.
Chris Barker's NYU Linguistics seminar on dynamics, Feb 25.
Seeks to intergrate my multidimensional approach to appositives with non-monotonic dynamic semantics.