- History 87: Empires and Cultures in the Modern World
- History 187: Palestine, Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
- History
187B: The Middle East in the Twentieth Century
- History 187c: Women in the Modern Middle East
Colloquia and Seminars:
- History
18n: Confronting Islam: The United States and the Middle East since
- History 286/386: Economic and Social History of the Modern Middle East
- History 286a/386a: The New Global Economy, Oil, and Islamic Movements in the Middle East
- History 287c/387c: Women in the Modern Middle East
- History 288/388: Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
- History 306a: The Modern Tradition: Capitalism, Imperialism and Their Critics
- History 487: Research Seminar in the Modern Middle East