arun g. chandrasekhar

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themes. [social learning] [signaling and reputation] [statistics] [health] [informal markets]


selecting the most effective nudge: evidence from a large-scale experiment on immunization (with abhijit banerjee, suresh dalpath, esther duflo, john floretta, matthew o. jackson, harini kannan, francine loza, anirudh sankar, anna schrimpf, and maheshwor shrestha) [forthcoming, econometrica]

designing effective celebrity public health messaging: results from a nationwide twitter experiment promoting vaccination in indonesia (with vivi alatas, markus mobius, benjamin olken, and cindy paladines) the economic journal (april, 2024) vol. 134 issue 659:

effects of a large-scale social media advertising campaign on holiday travel and covid-19 infections: a cluster randomized controlled trial (with emily breza, fatima stanford, marcela alsan, burak alsan, abhijit banerjee, sarah eichmeyer, traci glushko, paul goldsmith-pinkham, kelly holland, emily hoppe, mohit karnani, sarah liegl, tristan loisel, lucy ogbu-nwobodo, ben olken, carlos torres, pierre-luc vautrey, erica warner, susan wootton, and esther duflo). nature: medicine:

effect of physician-delivered covid-19 public health messages and messages acknowledging racial inequality on Black and white adults' knowledge, beliefs, and practices related to covid-19: a randomized clinical trial (with carlos torres, lucy ogbu-nwobodo, marcella alsan, fatima cody stanford, abhijit banerjee, emily breza, sarah eichmeyer, mohit Karnani, tristan Loisel, paul goldsmith-pinkham, benjamin olken, pierre-luc vautrey, erica warner, and esther duflo). jama network open:

interacting regional policies in containing a disease (with paul goldsmith-pinkham, matthew o. jackson, and samuel thau) proceedings of the national academy of sciences (may, 2021): vol. 118 no. 19 doi:10.1073/pnas.2021520118 [supplementary information]

comparison of knowledge and information-seeking behavior after general covid-19 public health messages and messages tailored for black and latinx communities: a randomized controlled trial (with marcella alsan, fatima cody stanford, abhijit banerjee, emily breza, sarah eichmeyer, paul goldsmith-pinkham, lucy ogbu-nwobodo, benjamin olken, carlos torres, anirudh sankar, pierre-luc vautrey, and esther duflo). annals of internal medicine:

using gossips to spread information: theory and evidence from two randomized controlled trials (with abhijit banerjee, esther duflo, and matthew o. jackson). the review of economic studies (february, 2019): doi:10.1093/restud/rdz008 [data and programs]

surveys and non-refereed publications

networks in economic development (with emily breza, benjamin golub, and aneesha parvathaneni). oxford review of economic policy. (edited by matthew ellott, sanjeev goyal, and alex teytelboym, 2019)

working papers


can a trusted messenger change behavior when information is plentiful? evidence from the first months of the covid-19 pandemic in west bengal (with abhijit banerjee, marcella alsan, emily breza, abhijit chowdhury, esther duflo, paul goldsmith-pinkham, and benjamin olken) [revision requested at the review of economics and statistics ]

in progress...

non-robustness of diffusion estimates on networks with measurement error (with paul goldsmith-pinkham, tyler h. mccormick, samuel thau, and jerry wei)

small changes in survey recruitment protocols lead to large differences in policymaker inference: evidence from a randomized controlled trial on covid-19 surveillance (with marcella alsan, abhijit banerjee, emily breza, esther duflo, paul goldsmith-pinkham, weston merrick, and benjamin olken)

some work in progress

old stuff