Published Papers
"Obama's Existential Challenge to Ahmadinejad", The Washington Quarterly, April 2009, Volume 32, Number 2
"Democracy and the Politics of Parliamentary Elections in Iran", Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter 2008 - fee
"A Win-Win U.S. Strategy for Dealing with Iran", The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2006
"Playing for the Long Haul in Iran: A Dual-Track Strategy for Arms Control and Democratization", Brown Journal of World Affairs, Winter/Spring 2006 - fee
"Iran's Peculiar Election: A Historical Perspective", Journal of Democracy, October 2005
"Beyond Incrementalism: A New Strategy for Dealing with Iran," Hoover Institution, 2005
"U.S. Foreign Policy and the Future of Democracy in Iran", The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2005