This site has been made possible by:
Knipe, David M., and Peter M. Hawley, eds. Fields Virology. 5th ed. Vol. 2. Philidelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2007.
p. 1102-1291.
*all information on home page and all other information unless otherwise noted
Photos taken from:
"Flaviviridae." MicrobeWiki. 8 Mar. 2008 <>.
Hardin. "Flavivirus Pictures Taken From CDC." Harden Library for the Health Sciences. 8 Sept. 2007. University of Iowa. 8 Mar. 2008 <>.
"Submodule 6: Microbes and Fungi -- the Pathogens." National Invasive Species Center. 5 Dec. 2006. University of Arizona. 10 Mar. 2008 <>.
Maria Raquel Kronen