Jenny Dorth & Jonathan Volk
Humans and Viruses 2000
This web page is intended to supplement previous Humans and Viruses Adenoviridae student web pages. It contains primary reference updates from 1999-2000, links to previous student web pages, and Adenoviridae information resources on WWW. In addition, representative viral profiles of the Adenoviridae family will be given that include incubation, epidemiology, symptomology and management.
Though not related to the Adenoviridae family, links to mock viral "Pokémon" cards designed by Jonathan Volk and Jenny Dorth are included. These cards outline the pathogenesis of six viruses, each from different viral families.
Lastly, information about the mechanism and administration of two antiviral drugs, zidovudine (AZT) and trifluridine (TFT), is provided.
Table of Contents
Viral Profiles
Adenoviridae Updates
Links to Previous Student Web Pages with Additions and Corrections
Adenovirus Resources on the Web
"Pokémon" Pathogen Cards
Antiviral Drug Profiles
Zidovudine (AZT)
Jenny Dorth
jdorth@stanford.eduJonathan Volk
jvolk@stanford.eduJonathan Volk and Jenny Dorth are both Juniors at Stanford University. More than anything in the world, Jenny and Jonathan enjoy spending all of their Friday and Saturday evenings hiding behind Fields Virology in the basement of Lane Medical Library. However, they both look forward to next quarter when they will be able to study for more than just one class. In addition, Jonathan and Jenny are excited that after they complete their Humans & Viruses final examination, they will once again be able to eat, sleep, and reestablish contact with friends and family.
Works consulted for Fundamental Adenoviriae Information
:Gorbach et al. Infectious Diseases. W.B. Saunders Co. 1998. pg. 2012-9.
Fields et al. Fields Virology, Third Edition. Lippincott-Raven Publishers. 1996. pg. 2149-66.
Mardell et al. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition. Churchilll Livingstone. 2000. pg. 1624-1629.