This mysterious flavivirus was discovered in 1995, though it is now known that its prevalence in developed countries is quite high. Because it has only recently been found, it still has not been assigned to a flavivirus genus. However, as a member of the flaviviridae family, it is +ssRNA, has a genome between 10.5-11 kb, and is capped. This virus is spherical, enveloped, and has a diameter of 40-50 nm. Though most flaviviruses are arthropod-borne viruses, this virus is thought to be spread by blood and blood-product transfusions, sharing needles, sexual transmission, and vertically from mother to child. So don't worry, this mosquito can't give you HGV!


Power: Though the name suggests that this virus may cause hepatitis, studies have not shown this to be the case. This is an orphan virus, and as such, its true power remains a mystery.



Attacks: It is likely that this virus is not responsible for non-A E hepatitis. This means that the attack site of this virus remains elusive. Maybe it is associated with other human diseases, or perhaps it is only a passenger virus. It is even possible that this virus is usually not harmful, unless the proper situation arises. It is thought to be asymptomatic in the majority of cases.

Outcome: ? This question will only be answered in time. With luck, it wonít be too late to save yourself!!! Chronic infection develops in almost all cases, but information about the chronic disease that this infection may cause is unknown.

Speed: ? Slower than a bullet and most likely faster than molasses rolling up a hill on the dark-side of Pluto.



Vaccines: None available. According to the CDC, "Confirmation of disease association, determination of routes of transmission, and development of serologic screening assays are necessary before prevention measures can be considered."

Behavioral: It is likely that one can get HGV from transfusions, IV drug use, and sex. So, to protect yourself, one needs to simply never get sick enough where you need a transfusion, never share needles, and become a priest and abstain from sex.

Treatment: Pray that this orphan virus doesnít pull a temper tantrum.


Game action: INVISIBILITY--nobody will notice "innocuous" HGV, nobody will care. And then it will be too late!


HGV is no longer thought to invade your liver,

but now, it is unknown what disease it ought to deliver.

One certainly has cause to be frightened and to quiver.



by Jonathan Efram Volk