This is a collection of print resources. A separate collection of Online Resources is also available.
Key: E=Elementary (K–5), I=Intermediate (6–8), HS=High School (9–12), C=College, G=General Public
Careers in Chemistry and Science
- (Written and directed by Robert Kaper). 1 videocassette (ca. 16 min.). American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1992 (HS, G) People who took chemistry, that’s who!
- Film covering lives of chemists working in industry.
- Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN 0195183665 (HS, C) Nontraditional careers for chemists: New formulas in chemistry.
- New York: F. Watts, 1997. 128 pp. ISBN 0531113256 (I, HS) To the young scientist: reflections on doing and living science.
- Profiles of well-known scientists including both work and personal lives.
- New York: Scholastic, 1999. various pp. ISBN 0439046017 (E) Scientists. (Learning center emergent readers).
- Simple text and photos present many different kinds of scientists.
- Danbury: Scholastic Library Publishing, 2004. 32 pp. ISBN 9780516236148 (E) Scientists Ask Questions. (Rookie Read-About Science).
- Explains in simple terms how scientific inquiry works.
- 1 videocassette (41 min.). Hawkhill Associates, Madison, WI, 1999 (HS, G) Chemists at work.
- History of chemists featuring interviews with modern chemists.
- Toronto: Greey de Pencier Books, 1992. 48 pp. ISBN 0618382755 (E, I) Real live science.
- Introduces 21 renowned scientists and includes activities related to their research.
- Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press, 1998. (unpaged) pp. ISBN 0761312722 (E) What is a scientist?
- Simple, but appealing, introduction to the scientific process.
- 2nd ed. Lincolnwood, IL: VGM Career Horizons, 2006. 208 pp. ISBN 0844219150 (HS) Great jobs for chemistry majors.
- Career guide for students preparing to enter the working world.
- Chicago: Scholastic Library Publishing, 1992. 32 pp. ISBN 0516019651 (E) I can be a chemist.
- Attractive book with pictures and text presents different fields of chemistry.
- Music CD. Twin Sisters Productions, LLC, Akron, OH, 1996 (E, I) Chemistry.
- Twelve songs help children learn what chemists do.
- Mankato, MN: Yellow Umbrella Books, 2001. 16 pp. ISBN 0736807225 (E) Everyone is a scientist.
- Early reader book introduces children to scientific method.
Biographies Of Chemists And Other Scientists
- East Orange, NJ: Just Us Books, 2003. 70 pp. ISBN 0940975971 (E, I) Scientists, healers, and inventors: an introduction for young readers. (Book of black heroes).
- Covers many lesser known scientists, as well as more familiar researchers.
- Mankato, MN: Capstone Books, 2000. 48 pp. ISBN 0736803157 (E, I) Women in chemistry careers. (Capstone short biographies).
- Describes the careers of five women working chemistry.
- Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 349 pp. ISBN 0787627895 (HS, G) Notable Black American scientists.
- Covers 250 black Americans who made contributions in sciences. A 2nd edition will be published in 2008.
- New York: Facts on File, 1998. 120 pp. ISBN 0816037043 (I, HS) Hispanic-American scientists. (American profiles).
- Profiles of ten scientists, including Nobelist in Chemistry, Mario Molina.
- Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. 668 pp. ISBN 0787639001 (I, HS) Notable women scientists.
- Covers 485 women from ancient times to present, and includes several useful indexes.
- Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 1996. 48 pp. ISBN 1560653590 (E) Native American scientists: Fred Begay, Wilfred F. Denetclaw Jr., Frank C. Dukepoo, Clifton Poodry, Jerrel Yakel. (Capstone short biographies).
- Five brief biographies of scientists in biological and physical sciences.
- New York: Wiley, 2002. 160 pp. ISBN 047138707X (I, HS) African American women scientists and inventors. (Black stars).
- Comprised of 26 brief biographies, including Madame C. J. Walker, a developer of personal beauty products.
- 8 vols. Chicago: World Book, 2003. 1536 pp. ISBN 0716676001 (set) (I, HS) World Book’s biographical encyclopedia of scientists.
- Comprehensive resource with more than 1300 entries, including many famous chemists.
- New York: Facts on File, 1998. 112 pp. ISBN 0816037566 (I, HS) Asian-American scientists. (American profiles).
- Profile 12 Asian-Americans who made significant contributions to different fields of science.