Program Support and Promotion
Chemists in the Library

Resources compiled for National Chemistry Week
Resources compiled for Chemists Celebrate Earth Day
About the Chemists in the Library Working Group
The mission of the Chemists in the Library Working Group is to work through
ACS members in Local Sections to increase awareness of the accessibility of information about
chemistry, its principles, and its practice, as well as its pervasiveness in our lives.
The vision of the Chemists in the Library Working Group is:
- To establish a rapport between Local Section members and the library professionals in a community.
- To demystify the concept of “chemist” and “chemistry” by participating in library
outreach programs for all ages.
- To provide materials and/or programs which will engage in Library patrons in understanding chemistry—its
contributions to our well-being as well as the willingness of chemists to face real or perceived concerns and make
attempts to solve them.
For more information, please contact the ACS Office of Community Activity (oca[at]acs[dot]org).
Grace Baysinger,