Polymers & Materials: Print Resources

This is a collection of print resources about the materials that toys are made of. A separate collection of Electronic Resources is also available.

Below are outstanding and recommended titles by the National Science Teachers Association that fit this year’s theme for National Chemistry Week. Descriptions are based on reviews from the NSTA web site.

Key: E = Elementary (K–5), I = Intermediate (6–8), HS = High School (9–12), C = College, G = General Public

Shape It! Magnificent Projects for Molding Materials. Keith Good. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 2000. 32 pp. ISBN 0822535688. (I)
Moldable materials such as toys, computer keyboards, and cookies, are a common part of the students’ environment. Using inexpensive materials, this activity book encourages students to design and make their own projects using “moldable” materials. It includes “recipes” and directions. Different ways of molding and projects with step-by-step directions for each are explained. Although no sharp tools are needed for any of the projects, there is a section on safety.
Source: NSTA Recommends