Keeping Teeth Healthy: Print Resources
This is a collection of print resources about keeping teeth healthy. A separate collection of Electronic Resources is also available.
Below are outstanding and recommended titles by the National Science Teachers Association that fit this year’s theme for National Chemistry Week. Descriptions are based on reviews from the NSTA web site.
Key: E = Elementary (K–5), I = Intermediate (6–8), HS = High School (9–12), C = College, G = General Public
- OPEN WIDE AND TREK INSIDE. National Institutes of Health. Colorado Springs, CO: Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2000. 165 pp. ISBN 1929614047. (E)
- This book covers major concepts of oral health and engages in interesting, inquiry-based science activities.
Integration of science, language arts, health, decision-making, mathematics, and computer-based technology make
this book inviting to students and teachers. Six lessons are correlated to the National Science Education
Standards for content, teaching, and assessment. Along with the lesson plans, reproducible pages are provided
in English and in Spanish. Includes a CD-ROM that contains mini-documentaries, animations, and interactive
Source: NSTA Recommends
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