Chemists in the Library Working Group: Lydia Hines (Chair) (NCWTF), Grace Baysinger (CINF), Bonnie Lawlor (CINF), Kitty Porter (CINF), Michael Sheets (NCWTF), Marisa Burgener (OCA), and David Harwell (OCA).
Web Design: Barden Shimbo, Stanford University
LiBrArY: Marion Peters (CINF) for spelling “library” using symbols from the Periodic Table representing the chemical elements, (Li) Lithium, (Br) Bromine, (Ar) Argon, and (Y) Yttrium; ACS Publications for distributing “LiBrArY” graphics on paper cubes (June 2001); Grace Baysinger (CINF) for adapting the “LiBrArY” graphic from the ACS paper cubes for the “Chemists in the LiBrArY” web site (2003).
- ACS Division of Chemical Information
- ACS National Chemistry Week Task Force
- ACS Office of Community Activities
Copyright © 2003 American Chemical Society